never got far from me ┊ open
[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 6.5pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px; color: #484a4d"]Teddy was a self-professed cat lover, he’d clearly claim when he’d coddle his sweet Maia whenever he’d bring his cat out into the hotel. With her glamorous lifestyle and collar pricier than many outfits on most Made Men’s backs, Maia was clearly adored by Teddy. His extravagance in caring for his pets hadn’t always been this way. In fact, once upon a time he had to fight tooth and nail for Mama and Papa to allow the scrawny tabby cat, Auguste, to stay in their family home when Teddy was only a child. Teddy could clearly recall the times he’d sneak leftover scraps of dinner outside for his friend, spending hours outside in the backyard reading so that Auguste could sleep at peace on his lap.

The other children in the neighbourhood in Back O’ Town used to throw stones at Auguste as he’d scamper on by, and Teddy was sure that he had been attacked by some sort of larger animal before Teddy began to take care of him. Eventually, after months of watching Teddy’s commitment to take care of the scrappy alley cat, Mama eventually welcomed the cat into the house so that he could have a proper meal inside their home. Ever since then, Teddy and Auguste had been inseparable. When Auguste died, Teddy had been inconsolable, especially after having lost Mama only a year prior. He told himself he’d never own another cat for as long as he lived because of the fear of having to open his heart up again to the thought of loving and protecting a loved creature until death.

He wasn’t sure he could go through that loss again until he and Juliette saw Maia and Delphine’s litter.

Whilst Maia appeared absolutely spoiled, it was all for good reason in Teddy’s mind. It was as if she would continue the legacy of Auguste, only this time Teddy truly could give his beloved cat the world. With Auguste, he didn’t ever have the opportunity to do the same thing, but he provided the cat love, safety, and a place to sleep.  What more could a cat want in life?

Upon noticing Katya sitting near a street cat that made itself home outside the casino, he quirked a brow at the sight of a scratch on her face before slowly strolling over. ❝ Jesus. ❞ He hummed, staring down at the cat before nodding his head towards the cat. ❝ Feral things, these ones are. Usually people learn the hard way not to pet ‘em before moving on. But it looks to me ya not ready to give up on it just yet, yeah? ❞ Whilst Teddy perhaps came across as somewhat holier-than-thou about it, Teddy related an awful lot. Auguste hadn’t always been the friendliest of cats, but Teddy had still given him a chance and in the end turned out to be his best friend. ❝ It gotcha face good, though, didn’t it? ❞

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; text-align: justify; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1.4; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]✧・゚: I'VE BEEN IN LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES, DATED EVERY WOMAN IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I'VE BEEN TO EVERY CONTINENT, BROKEN ALL THE HEARTS IN EVERY HEMISPHERE, AND IF I'M NOT THE TYPE OF GUY YOU LIKE TO CIRCUMVENT, JUST REMEMBER NOT TO LOVE ME WHEN I DISAPPEAR. I GRADUATED AT THE TOP, I LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BOURGEOISIE . . .
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never got far from me ┊ open - by KATYA - 08-02-2021, 11:08 PM
Re: never got far from me ┊ open - by TEDDY. - 08-08-2021, 01:28 PM

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