You stayed outside till the morning light -- p, kai
Stars wouldn't necessarily fix her problems, but merely distract her from them. That was fine. All she needed was something to distract her mind because if she did that maybe she'd forget. Maybe her brain would settle down and she'd make it to sleep without these thoughts plaguing her mind once again. It was a longshot, but she had done it before. Usually, when Eury couldn't sleep she'd look at them, so she hoped to just skip a step.

It was likely as obvious to others as it was to her, but never would Eury get over Kai. She told herself she was going to, but there was no way she could ever totally and completely get over him. Instead she began to accept that she wasn't going to have that life she told Kai about so long ago with her settling down and having kids like she wanted. She had just accepted that she was going to be around...and then she wouldn't.

And it wasn't like she hadn't tried or like there weren't other cute boys around. It was just none of them made her heart skip a beat whenever she saw them or made her smile just by acknowledging her. No one else was Kai and she had simply learned to accept that. She was someone who believed in true love or having the "love of your life" but to say it out loud would be silly. She felt everyone would look at her like she was absolutely crazy but that was the only way she could really describe it.

Even if it was one sided.

She nodded in agreement at his response, though she knew little about the world before them what she did know fit what he was saying. "I hope some of them got to see the stars like this." Leave it to Eury to find something nice to say even about people who didn't even know she existed. She figured it was such a pretty sight that people should be so lucky as to see it and thus, she hoped at least some of the old world's people got to witness what they currently were.

"Y'know what else?" She looked away from the stars for the first time to look at Kai, expecting him to say something maybe...but not this. She could basically feel her face grow a pink color because she could feel it become warm when he touched her face. Suddenly she was greatful that the moonlight only illuminated her so much so that he couldn't exactly see the color on her face.

"N-no, I don't m-mind" of course she stuttered, these sort of situations always made Eury stutter.

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Re: You stayed outside till the morning light -- p, kai - by eurydice t. - 04-20-2021, 03:38 AM

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