maybe one day i will get around to fixing myself, too. | open intro. | nin.
[Image: 055a3daa82536c4b0ac91415885bef7f.jpg]
[glow=#00ff00,2,300][gfont=East Sea Dokdo]NAIYANA "NIN" SAENPONG.[/gfont][/glow]
"speech."thought. — normal.

          [gfont=Lora]Nin was stupid to think that this day's particular venture would go well. She had stepped out of her tent with her right foot instead of her left this morning, after all. She was bound for bad luck.[/gfont]

          [gfont=Lora]Feet slamming against the mushy ground, she was barely able to pull herself up into the tree before the wild dog got to her, teeth snapping at her heels. She climbed as high as she dared, a good twenty feet above the ground, settling herself in the thin y-shape of the tree's largest diverging branches. The tree itself was thin and fairly young (much like herself) and bare of any leaves or fruit, but it held up just fine against the dog's clawing leaps.[/gfont]

          [gfont=Lora]She pulled her legs up just in case, her slightly-quick breathing muffled by the bandana pulled over the lower half of her face. One hand each pressed against the two sturdy branches on either side of her, steadying herself, and she warily kept an eye on the frenzied, slobbering dog, waiting for it to tire itself out or leave, because there was no chance in hell that she was going down there while it was still full of vicious energy—she was terrified of dogs, though it didn't show much on her face and she hated admitting it.[/gfont]

          [gfont=Lora]There wouldn't be much reason in admitting a fear of mine, anyway, she scrunched up her face at the dog's yelps, pressing herself a bit further into the tree's arms and hoping that it didn't attract any other dogs or dangerous people. It wouldn't help me or Noi if I exposed one of my weaknesses to someone.[/gfont]

          [gfont=Lora]A chilling breeze blew by, and she pulled her jacket tighter around herself with a slight shiver, glaring down at the dog, who was still very much going at it. I guess it's a waiting game.[/gfont]

[abbr=character sheet here][gfont=East Sea Dokdo][shadow=green,left]you know i'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat.[/shadow][/gfont][/abbr]
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maybe one day i will get around to fixing myself, too. | open intro. | nin. - by nin - 04-13-2021, 05:30 PM

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