i can feel my death ┊ WILLIAM (P)
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]tw. death of a minor, mention of murder

There should be no reason to believe that William was a good man. On the inside, his soul was dark like a black hole, consuming all the good in the world around him on the destructive path he took. He was enigmatic and manipulative, a con, a fake, a liar. A man that had killed a minor in cold blood for Walker to witness. A moment of getting too carried away and not acknowledging that men like Walker were actually nothing like William. He had made only one mistake in his life, and that was assuming that Walker was anything like him. A man who could handle the darker side to every person. Someone who could acknowledge that they too had an evil within that they could never conceal.

For a moment, William believed that perhaps there could be one person who would understand him for who he truly was. Someone who understood how the ends could justify the means, regardless of how barbaric the process could be. The child was in the wrong place at the wrong time, coming face to face with an impulsive man who felt as if he was on top of the world. All of this power and success was his for the taking. A man with a deeply curious mind and an opportunity to try to feel something stronger than the ever-constant numbness within, that child would soon be nothing more than another one of William’s victims.

After all of the wicked crimes the both of them had committed together as a team, Walker would draw the line at murder? Not only that, but hold that secret above William’s head as some sort of threat? It was not his fault that all of the ordinary people could be so affected by the death of another human being. They were all simply flesh and bone — and so was William — so realistically what was the loss that they were experiencing? A body? A corpse? William seldom understood the sentiment of life since, in the end, they'd die and waste away into nothing. Since that day, their friendship had perished. William would have been glad to never come face to face with Walker again, somewhat concerned that some day he’d announce to people the evil things that William had done.

That was until their eyes met.

A sickening sensation burned within as his stomach lurched at the sight of Walker across the room. So this was it — with all of his sleuthing, William had finally tracked the man down. But, despite the split second of pride at his latest success, the bitter taste in his mouth dulled the senses. With a face of thunder, lips slowly twitched into a sneer in response to Walker’s smug smile and wave. That conceited bastard. He always acted as if he had the upper hand — which, in all fairness, he did, despite William insisting to himself otherwise — but he wouldn’t have to worry for much longer. Whilst Walker had information on William that could absolutely destroy William’s life, William knew not to let himself fret too much.

After all, two could keep a secret if one of them was dead.

Without another moment of hesitation, William slowly began to narrow his eyes, as if to challenge Walker, before he turned and slowly wandered out of the casino and onto the outdoor terrace. With a deep breath, William gazed out across the beach ahead of him, soon swivelling around to rest against the balustrade. Maybe this was more of a problem than William had hoped it to be. There were things that he had done that would be unforgivable to most. His family would exile him — kill him for the wicked things he’d done — if Walker were to ever reveal all that he knew. Soon enough, the man himself made his appearance, William watching carefully with a tight jaw and the toe of his shoe tapping against the ground.

❝ Miss me, William? ❞ Walker queried, leaving William huffing an emotionless breath of laughter, bitter like nightshade, as he looked off to the side. Actually, if William had never heard from him again it would have been too soon. But, like a cockroach, he’d always find his way to scurry back into William’s life. Vermin like him ought to be killed before they did any more damage. William quirked a brow of disbelief as he brought his drink to his lips, finishing it in one before lowering the glass and straightening up onto his feet.

He wasn’t here for the feigned niceties. William knew Walker’s type; the type to push and push for a reaction, but William would not provide. He knew better than that. ❝ You stay away from my Josephine now, you hear me? ❞ Cutting to the chase, William would warn gravely, nostrils flaring as his gaze flitted across his face. ❝ You have a problem with me? You take it up with me. She’s not yours to speak to. ❞ Tongue was sharp as he hissed, brows knitted together as eyes were dark and locked onto a man he ought to have killed a long time ago. ❝ You know what'll happen if I hear you've spoken to her again. ❞


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i can feel my death ┊ WILLIAM (P) - by WALKER. - 03-05-2021, 12:35 AM
Re: i can feel my death ┊ WILLIAM (P) - by WILLIAM. - 04-06-2021, 10:31 PM

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