you and whose army? — FL vs BP fight .
[b][i]bernard smith. when the man stopped, bernard quickly cocked the gun and pushed it closer to the man. he had gone for so long without seeing brock. he had been through so much- the war, losing his wife and his child- it clouded his brain with grief and memories he wished he no longer held. he wished he could just have his old life back. he choked on his breath and took a step back when his name was spoken.

"w- how- y-," he stuttered, taking a brief moment before it clicked into place. "brock? you son of a bitch." he breathed, taking his rifle's aim away from him and turning the safety back on. "i thought you were [i]dead."

bernard couldn't fight the smile that wormed it's way onto his face, even if he tensed his jaw and tried to keep his mouth a thin line. he didn't want anyone to see him smiling like this, he didn't want flintlock to know he knew brock. he'd be a dead man for sure if that happened. he glanced around quickly before looking back up at brock.

"are you th- you lead bluestem?" he asked, quickly, nervous.

there was one very stark difference between the two, and that had possibly made them the best of friends then--bernard was the anxious one of the two, constantly thinking and looking out. brock was bold, and bernard always had to run after him to make sure he wouldn't get himself hurt. now look at us, bernard hesitated. brock was now a leader and bernard was nothing but a leech clinging on to the end tails of an enemy group because he had been left so scarred that he couldn't take care of himself.


[spoiler=//tags -- updated ;; 09/01/21]
> bernard smith ;; saint bernard, bernie
> male;; he/him
> 47yrs ;; ages real time ;; december 15th
> flintlock lodge

> physical health ;; 75%
> minor injuries ;; frostbite on fingers, a few bruises
> major injuries ;; n/a
> important things to note ;; n/a

> thick and short grey hair ; dark blue/green eyes ; average, def a dad bod, rounder stomach ; 5'9" ; 240 lbs
> no body modifications
> a white shirt with suspenders ; black pants ; usually wears a heck ton of jackets if he's cold
> pocket change ; cigarettes ; a photo of his wife and son
> important things to note ;; scar on left side under ribs ; missing a toe or two

> very honest ; stubborn ; sympathetic ; comes across as airy or non-present ; in his head often ; quick-witted ; think first, act after
> no tics

> oliver smith x dianne smith ;; dianne - deceased ; oliver - deceased
    > henry passed from cancer
    > dianne passed from natural causes
> no siblings
> heterosexual
> no known crushes
      > widow, wife was jillian williams - deceased ; passed from a raid in home
          > son was warrin - deceased ; passed from a raid in home

> medium mentally | medium physically
> non-violent power play allowed
> will not attack/kill/maim/capture without asking the author
> do not kill/maim/capture without asking me (timothy)
> if you want to attack, use this colour (red) and underline it

misc importance
> "this is him talking." ;; his speech is bolded
> this is him thinking ;; thoughts are in italics

[Image: matt-healy-smoking.gif] [Image: original.gif] [Image: animated-gun-and-pistol-image-0010.gif]
bernard smith | he/him | flintlock
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Re: you and whose army? — FL vs BP fight . - by SAINT BERNARD. - 03-30-2021, 06:11 PM

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