You don't live here//Bonnie
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]The heat was starting to get to Salem.
She knew it wasn't the hot season yet, she could tell based on how little time had passed since the cold season and Christmas ended, but the lack of overall weather change frightened her. She was used to being frozen in the cold season, dying in the hot season, and finding comfort in the time in between. However, here it seemed as though every season was hot, with only slight variations to set them apart. The light hadn't changed enough to signify the arrival of summer, yet Salem still found herself outside on the porch of her store, sweat dripping off her face. She had been dressing loosely: a tank top and shorts tended to do the trick. Even still, she couldn't help but resent the musky heat that flew back into her face as she blew hot smoke out into the orange evening.

Whatever, Salem thought, twirling a finger through her damp hair, at least no one important comes around here.
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> Elisa Barone | "Salem"
> Female
> 23
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time, a small handgun, and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> Easy physically | easy/medium mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Lionel King x Melissa Barone 
> Half brother Rafe
> Half niece Gigi
> Cat Chrisanthymum "Chrissy"
>Bisexual | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
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You don't live here//Bonnie - by Shiloh ! - 03-16-2021, 11:50 PM
Re: You don't live here//Bonnie - by bonnie. - 03-17-2021, 01:57 AM
Re: You don't live here//Bonnie - by Shiloh ! - 03-18-2021, 02:04 AM

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