[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]As the pair trekked through the snow, glistening from the sunlight glaring down from above, Eddie listened carefully to Colt’s input. For a youngster (by Eddie’s standards) his knowledge on combat was exceptional. He reminded Eddie of himself in his younger years, guided down a path of stoicism and violence by his own father. Alfred cared more about providing the family business with muscle rather than nurturing each of his children and simply allowing them to be kids. But, Eddie barely had a childhood to miss, and so all he understood was this life of constantly being on edge, preparing for the next strike by his family’s enemies. Did Colt feel the same way? Did he also miss out on a childhood worth living?

❝ Absolutely. ❞ Eddie agreed shortly, adding a quick nod of his head as he continued to walk. Unaware of the danger that lay ahead. Unaware that he was walking right towards death itself. He lowered his head, and continued the trek, oblivious to Colt’s intentions. He was a man who should have died long ago, and so how did he still persist? Continuing to softly suggest ideas, Eddie lifted his head once more to glance at Colt when the younger man proposed the idea of returning with barbed wire. That is a good point. ❞ His voice lightened up for a split second, then advising, ❝ Although we must be sure none of our own people get caught up in that. ❞

He could have remained quiet after this — neither man seemed the type to indulge in small talk — but he’d try for just a moment. Colt had not yet given Eddie reason to be completely shut off; in fact, their similarities made it easier for Eddie to talk. Listening carefully to Colt’s reasoning for trekking up to Flintlock Lodge, Eddie nodded as a sign that he was listening. Eddie’s face fell slightly at the mention of his previous life at home, choosing not to respond directly to Colt’s story for now.

❝ Uh, no, no. This will be my fifth year living here once the snow begins to melt. ❞ He pointed out, deciding that he wouldn’t delve too far into his life. After all, one of the strictest rule in the crime family was to never discuss the family business with outsiders. Colt would never find out the truth as to how Eddie found his way to Flintlock Lodge. ❝ My dad brought me here with his wife and my two half-siblings. We’d decided that it would be the place to go if my family ever got split up. Eventually, some of my family made it, so we’d call it a success. ❞

He cleared his throat with uncertainty as he'd then tread carefully with his next words, ❝ I’m sorry to hear about your family. Flintlock, we- ❞ Movement in his peripheral vision caught Eddie’s attention, the older man quickly shrugging his rifle off his shoulder and cocking the gun as he saw a grizzly bear tearing through the snow towards the duo. Watch out! ❞ He barked, then sending multiple shots towards the bear with his experienced sleight of hand until the creature collapsed to the ground right in front of them lifelessly.

Lips parting, gasping with adrenaline-filled breaths, Eddie gawked at the bear before snapping his jaw shut to glance towards Colt. ❝ Are you all right? ❞ This was quite some reconnaissance, Eddie lowering his rifle before slowly slinging it over his shoulder warily. ❝ We should skin it, collect its meat. It would be a shame to waste resources. ❞


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FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by COLT MADISON. - 02-09-2021, 10:55 PM
Re: FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by EDMUND. - 02-15-2021, 04:48 PM
Re: FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by COLT MADISON. - 02-16-2021, 02:30 AM
Re: FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by EDMUND. - 03-04-2021, 06:16 PM
Re: FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by COLT MADISON. - 03-05-2021, 04:35 PM
Re: FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by EDMUND. - 04-09-2021, 06:15 PM
Re: FORGIVE ME FATHER / eddie - by COLT MADISON. - 04-12-2021, 04:52 AM

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