[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify; line-height: 110%;"]Osirus was hesitant to approach the meet and greet, but decided to push himself to do so. He came here seeking a home, and what was the worth of a home if it was empty? Trust was not an easy object to O, and though he was trying, he often had to ask himself if he was trying enough. He was wary of being fooled again, but even greater we he worried of not being fooled. He was terrified of being wrong- of someone not wielding that knife behind their back. Osirus had become so accustomed to betrayal that he was proactive in his means to break that trust first. So what if no one here held a hidden knife? What if his downfall was only himself? He had to try.

”Hey...” He greeted the others as he approached a little late to the party. Unsure where to place himself, he hesitated before standing near Sydney. If he was going to receive judgement, he’d rather it be from the young man in a straw hat and overalls. ”I’m Osirus.” Did he need to answer the man’s questions as well? Try, Osirus.

”I was nomadic before finding this place. Heard it’s... safe- it’s homely. I need that.” Ran a tattooed hand along the back of his neck, fingers brushing his short hair. Had to give to receive, right?
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Re: I KNOW I’LL SEE YOU TOMORROW — m&g - by RIDGE - 07-11-2020, 04:44 AM

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