❝ come on over — joey . ❞
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]she's always found it empowering to sleep around. because of this, the usual insults hurled at any women who acts as most men do don't upset her like they're intended. joey's well aware she's "easy", but that's how it's intended to be, if anyone has to work much to get to sleep with someone, they're doing something very wrong. plus, any of the insults can be thrown right back and have the same effect. people just don't seem to get that a girl can just do what she likes? that's where her anger and frustration came from. she would have assumed someone like will would understand, and welcome, her willingness to spend some time with him, but... wouldn't be the first time she's been disappointed by a man.

with both of their affinity for self-preservation, joey's glad she got through to him on the issue of her dying. she gets a small grin with his giving in and agreeing to her point. little did the blonde know, she's just been out-manipulated. " good to know you're finally realizing that i'm the best thing to happen to you, " she says, a smug shrug of her shoulders but her eyes still gleam. she likes the spot she thinks she has him in, but she doesn't have much, if any, experience with anyone who lacks all emotions. she can hold her own with will, maybe even give him a run for his money, but, ultimately, joey's unaware what kind of beast she's dealing with. and, she just made a big misstep, " [color=#990000]and that will ever happen to you, " she adds, batting her eyes just a couple times and raising her chin at him, basking in her perceived victory.

her mood change is quick, like a flicker of a light, her mask slips which causes the softening of her voice and inability to hold his eye contact suddenly. her guard's down and she lets herself be vulnerable for a moment. there's a small part of her that really wants him to comfort her, to lie to her and say it'll be alright and there's time to figure out what to do with the ticking time bomb in her womb. but, the desire quickly dissipates with his tone. she slips back into her act, face contorting into a glare. " [color=#990000]excuse me? " she questions, lip pulling back into a snarl, " [color=#990000]i already told you, i'm not doing it by myself, " joey snaps. " [color=#990000]you seem to think i did this myself, " she lets out an airy laugh, shaking her head in near disbelief, " [color=#990000]you could impregnate the whole lodge in a day if you tried hard enough, don't put this on me just because i'm the unlucky one to have to carry it. " joey's voice gets progressively more intense as she speaks. her anger is getting the better of her, " [color=#990000]you fucking coward, can't even accept what you did! plus, you think after everybody knows, you can just ignore the issue? " tears burn in her eyes, " [color=#990000]deranged and a coward " she mutters, looking at him in near disgust. her hands ball up into fists, almost shaking from trying not to swing at will.

[spoiler=tags, updated 05/17/2020]BASICS[color=#990000]I HAD A DREAM

&. ❝ josephine elena van doren ❞ |  joey, joy, hoey | female [ she/her ] .
&. 21 years old . | november first ; scorpio .
&. forager of flintlock lodge .

&. impulsive . outgoing . femme fatale . flirtatious . seemingly emotionless . guarded . self-destructive . obsessive . hot headed . reckless . kleptomania tendencies . selfish . brat .  assertive . loyal to those close to her . intuitive . stubborn . passionate . self-preserving . quick . nosey . reliable . non-committal . determined . secretive . resentful . resourceful . distrusting .

&.  five foot six & one hundred and seventeen pounds ; reference .
↳ blonde hair just past her collarbone, grows a dirtier blonde, lightening up as soon as any sun touches it .
↳ slim, muscular build. legs on the longer side .
↳ big blue/green doe eyes, light yet well-groomed eyebrows, full lips, dimples .

&.  [ 8/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ medium ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #990000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 2 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 2 ] aid items | [ 1 ] misc .
↳ one combat knife .
↳ a three piece throwing knife set
one german short-haired pointer puppy, demetri
one english setter puppy, robin
↳ a bracelet from her late mother, each one of her sisters has a piece to the same set, their mother having the biggest piece

&. elizabeth van doren (npc) x malcolm van doren (npc) | second youngest of nine children .
↳ cassian van doren, eldest, flintlock .
↳ beau van doren, second eldest, flintlock .
↳ range rover van doren, unknown & scarlett van doren, dead .
↳ auden van doren, unknown & tara van doren, dead .
↳ maxine van doren, just older than joey, flintlock .
↳ richard van doren, youngest, flintlock .
&. pansexual, panromantic ; mongamous  . | scared of commitment, however enjoys casual fun .
&. pregnant ; first trimester . [/spoiler]

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❝ come on over — joey . ❞ - by WILLIAM. - 05-26-2020, 06:04 PM
Re: ❝ come on over — joey . ❞ - by WILLIAM. - 06-04-2020, 11:17 PM
Re: ❝ come on over — joey . ❞ - by WILLIAM. - 06-10-2020, 08:27 PM
Re: ❝ come on over — joey . ❞ - by JOSEPHINE - 06-11-2020, 06:50 AM
Re: ❝ come on over — joey . ❞ - by WILLIAM. - 06-25-2020, 08:30 PM

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