his mind is in a different place // P
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you're my sunflower
Marcus smiled up at his friend, who laughed and patted him on the head after snapping out of the dirty look aimed at Vessie.

[i]"What a surprise, never thought I'd live to see the day that you'd come to a party again."

Christian seemed to completely ignore the fact that there was someone other than Marcus there. Though, the short brunette didn't seem to notice as he pouted and crossed his arms. [b]"Of course I'd come to a party again. If I recall correctly it was you pressuring me to drink that got your clothes vomited on" He shrugged as he spoke, throwing his hands up a bit and grinning.

He turned to look at Vessie with his wide eyes sparkling, "Vessie! This is my friend, Christian. He's kind of a dick so don't take anything he says personally." He said, gripping his new friend's sleeve gently. He noticed the little awkwardness that arose, though figured it was because they didn't know each other. Never would he have thought that they had actually met before, and quite literally hated each other.

"I know him."

Marcus blinked at the tall tattooed man with a blank look, head tilting.

"Not well, but we met before." He wrapped an arm around Marcus' neck and pulled him close, leaning down to be eye level with him. "Be careful around this guy. He's bad news, Grey."

His voice was quiet and he spoke cryptically, but Marcus didn't understand. He just shrugged- "I think you're overreacting to seem cool in front of your new girlfriend" He tapped Christian's nose as he spoke, before shrugging his arm off- "We'll leave you two alone. Be safe! I don't want to become a babysitter!"

He turned to face Vessie again, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and chuckling. "Sorry about that. Like I said he's a dick. He's probably thinking you're someone else."

He might have taken the words seriously if they came from literally anybody else. Christian was known to exaggerate things and just be plain wrong.

He didn't know Vessie well. He barely knew anything about him, but so far he had been nothing but kind. He even invited Marcus to this party-granted Marcus hated parties-to get to know him better. There was nothing that made Marcus think that he couldn't be trusted.

He smiled wide, crinkling the corners of his eyes. He needed something to take his mind off of the thoughts that maybe Christian was right. He shouldn't judge someone based off of what one overprotective friend said. He took a long drink of the foul-smelling liquid he held in his hands, grimacing a bit at the taste.

"Is there a balcony or something? It's kinda loud in here."

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Re: his mind is in a different place // P - by finnibble - 06-09-2020, 05:38 AM

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