#1b2763[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]A tense sigh filtered passed his lips slowly, William Stirling sat with his back against the wooden overlook as he tapped ash off the end of his cigarette. The wait for their target was, quite frankly, tedious but at least he didn’t have to stand the entire time. The good thing about having his brother for company was the fact that, whilst the both of them shared a keen interest in the gruesome, Freddie tended to be more eager about it. More active in the role. Kind of like a green schoolboy who’d always wanted to give something a go. On the other hand, William was far more subdued in his approach. More like the maestro of sharpshooting.

Casually, William exhaled the last small plume of smoke before standing up and deciding to oh-so-respectfully stub the cigarette out against the side of the bell. Luckily it was too heavy to push from a standstill and so it wouldn’t chime and attract the attention of all of Bluestem Prairie towards the two assassins - that would be the last thing they needed right now. After all, Fred and Will had orders from Eddie, and William didn’t plan on getting on the wrong side of that little bastard. But, the longer he waited, the more restless he grew. This was always the worst part of the job. The waiting. Dammit, he just wanted to cut to the chase, watch the life bleed out of someone and know that it was done with his two bloodied hands.

He wanted the thrill of danger. Of life and death.

William went to stand near by his brother, comfortably resting his arms on the overlook as he searched the quiet streets of Graveyard. Freddie seemed so focused on following another passerby, but William only had one target on his mind. ❝ This is just like old times, yeah? ❞ That was one way to put it, William contemplated with a glimmer of a smile resting on his lips. ❝ Less glamorous, but sure. We don’t even get paid for the jobs we pull off nowadays- ❞ He paused in thought, before turning his head to complacently joke, ❝ which must be… heartbreaking. For you. I mean, it was why all the women flocked around you, but now that that’s all in the past… ❞

It was no surprise that William was already poking fun at his little brother dryly, looking as if he was thinking hard about something before he uttered, ❝ Though - I suppose - I wouldn't know from experience. I still get a lot of attention. Even without the money. Maybe it's the personality, or my eyes. ❞ Perhaps it was boredom talking, but William’s playful bites were enough to get through this tiresome wait. But, just as luck had it, it wasn’t long before Fred clocked onto their target. William narrowed his eyes, following Roman’s movements back towards his home before Fred began to lower the gun. With a puzzled look on his features, William flitted his gaze over to Fred before realizing what this meant.

William would be the one to pull the trigger.

❝ You’re too kind. ❞ William hummed passively as he leaned down to pick up the sniper rifle. And, preparing himself and the rifle, he rested the bipod on top of the overlook as he followed Roman through his scope. ❝ Hmm… Atta boy. ❞ Roman was being so helpful in his own murder, the way he made it so easy for William to steady his aim and then fire.

With a curious glimmer in his eyes, William watched as the horror unfolded down below. Roman crumbled to the ground with the most satisfying look of defeat whilst Frank rushed over blindly, irrespective of the evident danger still lurking. ❝ That ought to do the job. ❞ William was composed and unaffected as he began to gather his belongings. After all, they could return to Flintlock Lodge, inform Eddie that Roman Darrow was dead, and get on with an easier life.


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THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by freddie - 06-04-2020, 07:34 PM
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Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by WILLIAM. - 06-05-2020, 05:36 PM
Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by FRANKLIN. - 06-05-2020, 07:08 PM
Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by roman. - 06-06-2020, 02:16 PM
Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by FRANKLIN. - 06-23-2020, 06:54 PM
Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by roman. - 07-01-2020, 04:22 PM
Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by FRANKLIN. - 07-24-2020, 04:47 PM
Re: THE END OF ALL THINGS // FRANK - by roman. - 08-12-2020, 03:23 PM

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