a crime's been committed — private
[align=center][div style="width: 350px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]once he looks at her lips, joey’s sure she has him, her smirk starting to look a lot more smug, as if she’s just won a trophy, feeling quite good about herself and her skill set. this is her role within the van doren family, the seductress; sure, they may not have much of a reason to have a seductress anymore considering they aren’t actively stealing, smuggling, or blackmailing, but she’s never been one to exactly follow the plan. she inches closer to him as well when he grabs her chin, eyes flickering to a close, then, eli’s gone. what!? she swallows hard, clenching her jaw with a huff, her eyebrows are somewhat scrunched in a form of confusion and some embarrassment. she straightens herself out, pushing off of the counter to drudgingly follow after him as he suggests checking upstairs. joey has to take a deep breath to calm herself down so her attitude doesn’t take a left turn into nasty.

maybe there’s something...” she trails as she glances over her shoulder to check their backs and to see if anyone else came into the house to loot. by the time she looks back at elijah, he’s got a pistol out, saying “i can protect us,” a nice sentiment, but joey isn’t one who needs protecting, however she knows making men feel like heroes usually works in one’s favor. “[color=#990000]i feel safe with you anyway,” joey comments, shrugging as she follows him upstairs, almost in a blind faith way. she’s not paying too much attention, running into his hand he uses to stop her. instinctively, she reaches to hold his hand against her abdomen. mentioning that he hears something, joey goes silent, reaching for the knife in her waistband, making a face at eli as he confronts the person, is he dumb? giving up the element of surprise? but she slips in right after him, the knife drawn, only to see no one and eli grinning at her. joey lets out a breath, shaking her head, “[color=#990000]haha, very funny,” she rolls her eyes, going to put her knife away and smiling slightly to herself and shaking her head.

joey raises a brow at him as he points the gun in her direction, then winks quickly before going to look alongside him, going to a chest near the door, leaning down, and opening it. it’s been all but cleared out, only a couple wooden blocks left, making joey sigh and slowly close its lid. she looks over to him and nods, “[color=#990000]i don’t think there’s much left anywhere for anyone to find,” she comments in agreement, hands pressing on her knees as she gets up. joey sees her chance, that mischievous smirk coming onto her face as she begins slinking over towards eli, batting her eyelashes a couple times. when she’s in front of him, she sits on his lap, facing him, and putting her hands over his own.

just at that moment, joey hears the faint sound of a door creak, distinctly the same sound when the two had gotten to the house. she’s caught off guard, confused on why is sounds so quiet and sneaky. “[color=#990000]d-did you hear that?” she whispers, quietly getting off of him and hand going over her weapon, glancing between elijah and the door.

[spoiler=tags, updated 03/28/2020]BASICS[color=#990000]I HAD A DREAM

&. ❝ josephine elena van doren ❞ |  joey, joy, hoey | female [ she/her ] .
&. 21 years old . | november first ; scorpio .
&. forager of flintlock lodge .

&. impulsive . outgoing . femme fatale . flirtatious . seemingly emotionless . guarded . self-destructive . obsessive . hot headed . reckless . kleptomania tendencies . selfish . brat .  assertive . loyal to those close to her . intuitive . stubborn . passionate . self-preserving . quick . nosey . reliable . non-committal . determined . secretive . resentful . resourceful . distrusting .

&.  five foot six & one hundred and seventeen pounds ; reference .
↳ blonde hair just past her collarbone, grows a dirtier blonde, lightening up as soon as any sun touches it .
↳ slim, muscular build. legs on the longer side .
↳ big blue/green doe eyes, light yet well-groomed eyebrows, full lips, dimples .

&.  [ 8/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ medium ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #990000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 2 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 2 ] aid items | [ 1 ] misc .
↳ one combat knife .
↳ a three piece throwing knife set
one german short-haired pointer puppy
one english setter puppy
↳ a bracelet from her late mother, each one of her sisters has a piece to the same set, their mother having the biggest piece

&. elizabeth van doren (npc) x malcolm van doren (npc) | second youngest of nine children .
↳ cassian van doren, eldest, flintlock .
↳ beau van doren, second eldest, flintlock .
↳ range rover van doren, unknown & scarlett van doren, dead .
↳ auden van doren, unknown & tara van doren, dead .
↳ maxine van doren, just older than joey, flintlock .
↳ richard van doren, youngest, flintlock .
&. pansexual, panromantic ; mongamous  . | scared of commitment, however enjoys casual fun with anyone .[/spoiler]

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a crime's been committed — private - by ELIJAH. - 04-14-2020, 02:02 AM
Re: a crime's been committed — private - by JOSEPHINE - 04-17-2020, 08:01 AM

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