a crime's been committed — private
[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%; color: #494949; font-family: karla; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: 0.2px; word-spacing: 1px; margin-top: 10px;"]"yeah," he agrees, inhaling as if it's unfortunate but both of them know it's not. he straightens up, leaning into the tension as he leans into her, his eyes fluttering to her soft pink lips. "what a shame." reaching up, eli lightly grabs her chin with firm fingers, advancing closer until their bodies and lips are just an inch away and then. he stops abruptly, turns away. he knows what she wants, what she expects. and although she got him on his toes, he hasn't tripped just yet— two can play at that game.

"suppose we can look upstairs." he wasn't favorable about that idea. he and mems nearly died that way. still, checking upstairs was almost a given. he didn't want to show joey that being in this place struck a nerve, decidedly put on a brave face. instead, to save face, he deflects it onto her. "don't gotta worry," he pulls his pistol from his waistband, holds it up towards joey. "i can protect us." without another word he heads upstairs, holding that undiscussed caution with him.

once he reaches the top , he quietly stalks around the corner towards the first room, reaching it out his hand towards joey. "hold up. i think i heard somethin'." he crouches, slowly advancing closer to the first open room. then, holding up his gun he looks around with a gruff demand to, "stop there!" to an invisible person in the room. he glances to a plausibly panicked joey, before breaking out into a childish grin. "we good." he says. "but see? I got us- wait look out!" he holds up his gun, pointing it to yet another invisible force behind her but quickly his hand, beginning to sift through things around the room. "ion know how much we gon' find in a child's room."

he kicks at a toy train, sitting on the bunk bed with an exasperated sigh. "i doubt we gonna find anything really. bet you this place has been ransacked enough."

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 1.4;"]I'M [I]HIGH AS A PRIVATE JET. —
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a crime's been committed — private - by ELIJAH. - 04-14-2020, 02:02 AM
Re: a crime's been committed — private - by ELIJAH. - 04-14-2020, 07:06 PM

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