12-22-2019, 02:57 AM
credit for this guide goes to crows and bearcub.
Asphodel, the perennial city. The monarchical group is neutral, and mostly keep to themselves. Their home is plagued by burning summers and freezing winters, requiring the group to seek shelter under the ground. Six months out of the year, Asphodel is found under the ground, in a massive cavern. Aboveground, Asphodel lives in homes in hills, farming, celebrating, and living their life. Asphodel prides themselves on their creative storytelling, and always has a tale or two to tell to wandering souls.
There are two sides of Asphodel's home - the above, and the below. Asphodel resides near a large lake - because of this, they're subject to intense winters and summers that can turn deadly. Because of these intense times, Asphodel has chosen to take residence under the earth during summer and winter. Asphodel's members joke about living "six feet under," even though it's much, much deeper than that. Stairs lead and wind their way down to the cavern that houses Asphodel, well-worn and seemingly endless.
Their cavern is clearly nature-made, though there are several additions that prove that Asphodel's city has been touched by human hands. Complex air tunnels leading into the main cavern started as natural tunnels, but have since widened and been maintained by Asphodel residents. Asphodel's lighting situation is managed by many torches and fires. Skylights are carved into the ceiling, complex ways of maintaining fresh air that also serve another purpose - these lights are shaped into constellations, giving Asphodel the look of a city in eternal night. A river cuts through the cavern, beginning at the lake up above, and flowing through a river past the wall, far beyond what Asphodel has explored. They affectionately refer to the river as the river Styx.
Wooden homes and cave-like rooms create the city, giving it an ancient, yet jumbled look. Most meetings take place in the center of the cavern, where a large firepit is located. Here, stories are told, and food is often made. A storage room is near this center, where the food for summer and winter months is stored. Mine carts, mine shafts and mining lines are located everywhere, evidence of previous miners. Most of these lines are no longer functional, as most of these lines lead behind the wall.
The wall is a massive, sprawling expanse protecting Asphodel from the darkness beyond the wall. The wall is maintained by everyone, kept up for generations. Stories are told of what lurks beyond the wall, the monsters and evil that waits to destroy Asphodel at any given chance. The wall is their safety - and also, Asphodel's purpose. To keep the members working together during these dark months, they focus on the wall.
Aboveground, Asphodel has a much brighter world. In order to make sure that their homes are protected from the weather, Asphodel's spring and fall homes are often dug out from hillsides. Asphodel's most distinct aspect is the old railroad line that cuts across their territory. Near the entrance to the underground, a railroad station waits. Storage is often placed here. Asphodel farms as much as they can, storing for the underground months. Many flowers bloom here, and the lake is within close distance to water plants - and to play in.
— Storytelling, stories keep Asphodel sane in the underground months, and are used as entertainment year round. Asphodel prides themselves on their oral history, their myths and legends and stories that are so deeply entwined in their world. Members of Asphodel often can tell the most beautiful stories.
— Feasts and fasts. Asphodel likes to remember the other side of the coin, and so on the summer and winter solstices, Asphodel puts on feasts underground, to celebrate the times of plenty aboveground. On the spring and fall equinoxes, Asphodel fast all day to remember the upcoming times of hardship.
— The wall is a central figure in Asphodel's life. The wall protects them from the dangers of underground, and so to maintain and continue building the wall helps Asphodel remain safe. This is a way of connecting with previous generations - all working together on the same quest.
— KING & QUEEN leaders of Asphodel, King and Queen are gender neutral and don't indicate marital status (though it can), they merely indicate the difference between two leaders.
— Zero Armani played by crows.
— Belladonna Armani played by bearcub.
— COUNT, the deputies of Asphodel, in charge of maintaining peace and relative order. Consults with the King and Queen, along with the Council. Counts are in charge of the Knights.
— COUNCIL highly trusted members of Asphodel, the Council work together to maintain order, food storage, wind tunnels, the wall, and general health and safety.
— APOTHECARY the doctors of the group, the Apothecary is in charge of all medicinal items, and is vital to the group's health and well being.
— ASTRONOMER a person who's particularly gifted at reading the stars. They help keep the calendar in shape, so that Asphodel knows when to perform their feasts and fasts.
— KNIGHTS the guardians of Asphodel, the Knights have shown their talent in protection, and guard Asphodel from invaders. Trained by Counts, and train members to fight if needed.
— MEMBERS general members of Asphodel. They have varying roles, and are essential to keep Asphodel running.
— Going past the wall, or damaging the wall in any way can endanger the rest of Asphodel. Do not venture beyond the wall.
— Everyone does their part to keep Asphodel running. Those slacking off will expect to be punished.
— Anyone caught manipulating or harassing another member of Asphodel will be expected to leave immediately, regardless of weather.
— Those found causing trouble will be punished, and could be exiled if it ends in cross-group problems.
— Though respect to higher authorities is a given, everyone is expected to respect each other, and treat one another as equals.
Asphodel remains a NEUTRAL group. Alliances aren't their thing - though they certainly will host events, and allow other groups to enter their territory. Asphodel avoids outright conflict, and any attempts to be brought into wars will be ignored until there's outright attacks.
Asphodel, the perennial city. The monarchical group is neutral, and mostly keep to themselves. Their home is plagued by burning summers and freezing winters, requiring the group to seek shelter under the ground. Six months out of the year, Asphodel is found under the ground, in a massive cavern. Aboveground, Asphodel lives in homes in hills, farming, celebrating, and living their life. Asphodel prides themselves on their creative storytelling, and always has a tale or two to tell to wandering souls.
There are two sides of Asphodel's home - the above, and the below. Asphodel resides near a large lake - because of this, they're subject to intense winters and summers that can turn deadly. Because of these intense times, Asphodel has chosen to take residence under the earth during summer and winter. Asphodel's members joke about living "six feet under," even though it's much, much deeper than that. Stairs lead and wind their way down to the cavern that houses Asphodel, well-worn and seemingly endless.
Their cavern is clearly nature-made, though there are several additions that prove that Asphodel's city has been touched by human hands. Complex air tunnels leading into the main cavern started as natural tunnels, but have since widened and been maintained by Asphodel residents. Asphodel's lighting situation is managed by many torches and fires. Skylights are carved into the ceiling, complex ways of maintaining fresh air that also serve another purpose - these lights are shaped into constellations, giving Asphodel the look of a city in eternal night. A river cuts through the cavern, beginning at the lake up above, and flowing through a river past the wall, far beyond what Asphodel has explored. They affectionately refer to the river as the river Styx.
Wooden homes and cave-like rooms create the city, giving it an ancient, yet jumbled look. Most meetings take place in the center of the cavern, where a large firepit is located. Here, stories are told, and food is often made. A storage room is near this center, where the food for summer and winter months is stored. Mine carts, mine shafts and mining lines are located everywhere, evidence of previous miners. Most of these lines are no longer functional, as most of these lines lead behind the wall.
The wall is a massive, sprawling expanse protecting Asphodel from the darkness beyond the wall. The wall is maintained by everyone, kept up for generations. Stories are told of what lurks beyond the wall, the monsters and evil that waits to destroy Asphodel at any given chance. The wall is their safety - and also, Asphodel's purpose. To keep the members working together during these dark months, they focus on the wall.
Aboveground, Asphodel has a much brighter world. In order to make sure that their homes are protected from the weather, Asphodel's spring and fall homes are often dug out from hillsides. Asphodel's most distinct aspect is the old railroad line that cuts across their territory. Near the entrance to the underground, a railroad station waits. Storage is often placed here. Asphodel farms as much as they can, storing for the underground months. Many flowers bloom here, and the lake is within close distance to water plants - and to play in.
— Storytelling, stories keep Asphodel sane in the underground months, and are used as entertainment year round. Asphodel prides themselves on their oral history, their myths and legends and stories that are so deeply entwined in their world. Members of Asphodel often can tell the most beautiful stories.
— Feasts and fasts. Asphodel likes to remember the other side of the coin, and so on the summer and winter solstices, Asphodel puts on feasts underground, to celebrate the times of plenty aboveground. On the spring and fall equinoxes, Asphodel fast all day to remember the upcoming times of hardship.
— The wall is a central figure in Asphodel's life. The wall protects them from the dangers of underground, and so to maintain and continue building the wall helps Asphodel remain safe. This is a way of connecting with previous generations - all working together on the same quest.
— KING & QUEEN leaders of Asphodel, King and Queen are gender neutral and don't indicate marital status (though it can), they merely indicate the difference between two leaders.
— Zero Armani played by crows.
— Belladonna Armani played by bearcub.
— COUNT, the deputies of Asphodel, in charge of maintaining peace and relative order. Consults with the King and Queen, along with the Council. Counts are in charge of the Knights.
— COUNCIL highly trusted members of Asphodel, the Council work together to maintain order, food storage, wind tunnels, the wall, and general health and safety.
— APOTHECARY the doctors of the group, the Apothecary is in charge of all medicinal items, and is vital to the group's health and well being.
— ASTRONOMER a person who's particularly gifted at reading the stars. They help keep the calendar in shape, so that Asphodel knows when to perform their feasts and fasts.
— KNIGHTS the guardians of Asphodel, the Knights have shown their talent in protection, and guard Asphodel from invaders. Trained by Counts, and train members to fight if needed.
— MEMBERS general members of Asphodel. They have varying roles, and are essential to keep Asphodel running.
— Going past the wall, or damaging the wall in any way can endanger the rest of Asphodel. Do not venture beyond the wall.
— Everyone does their part to keep Asphodel running. Those slacking off will expect to be punished.
— Anyone caught manipulating or harassing another member of Asphodel will be expected to leave immediately, regardless of weather.
— Those found causing trouble will be punished, and could be exiled if it ends in cross-group problems.
— Though respect to higher authorities is a given, everyone is expected to respect each other, and treat one another as equals.
Asphodel remains a NEUTRAL group. Alliances aren't their thing - though they certainly will host events, and allow other groups to enter their territory. Asphodel avoids outright conflict, and any attempts to be brought into wars will be ignored until there's outright attacks.
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