BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS --- open, joining
The quiet fear in the first man's eyes was a rarity for her. But she hadn't spoken yet, hadn't revealed her youth and soured any intimidation she'd accumulated in this man's mind. She examined him as best she could, tilting her head to the side so her good eye could get a better look at him.

Not a threat, not visibly armed. She was fine, this was fine; still, her fingers tightened around her bat and she bounced one leg on the ground with nervous energy. He was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes, and she didn't bother to smile back knowing it would be a useless endeavour. She'd hidden her face for what, two and a half years now? She was out of the honeymoon phase by now.

"Looking for my, uh, my sister," Uncertainly laced her voice, and she bit her bottom lip to stop any more anxious nonsense from spilling out. Sel had to be here, she had to be, Bub couldn't- she couldn't take it if her sister wasn't here. It'd be embarrassing on so many levels.

But in a twisted bit of luck, she was here. She was smaller than Bub remembered, but then again Bub had shot up to 5'6" by now and stood a whopping two inches above her eldest sister now. She hadn't said anything but Bub didn't need her to speak to know this was here sister.

She was suddenly filled with an icy fear, coursing through her veins like cold fire. Why was she so nervous? It made no sense, Sel loved her- at least Bub remembered it that way. But what if she was wrong? What if Lessandra hadn't set the fire, and it was just a ploy by the rest of her family to dispose of their youngest member? Maybe she should've stayed, should've let Lessandra explain more-

No, no. She couldn't think like that, she couldn't; Lessandra had admitted to it, when she thought Bub was too blurry with pain to remember. Sel was innocent, Sel was her sister for gods' sake; she wasn't going to hurt her or turn her away.

"S-Sel?" Bub's voice had dropped into a meek whimper, her form trembling as she tried to bite back her emotions and actually speak. "Its- its me, b-been a while, huh?" She tried to continue, only to hear someone else's biting opinion about her mask.

She whipped her head towards them, wanting to see just who seemed to have a rather valid opinion about her mask. She accessed them quickly; a boy, about her age, looked like he hadn't seen a mirror in his entire life. Well- maybe that was the heightened emotions talking. "Least- Least I don't s-smell like I bathed in dog piss, asshat." She snapped, trying to hide how much the comment hurt.
[justify]Oh, turn your lamps down low [abbr=Isabel Cameron Felix, goes by Bub | Feminine pronouns, she/her | 15yrs Old | 5'6" | Hella gay]&[/abbr]
Keep the light so dim that you can't see [abbr=Medium Difficulty Physically | Easy Mentally | Attacks with shotgun or baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire | Open to capture if discussed prior | Not open for death]&[/abbr]
What's out there ahead of you [abbr=Hoarder multi-patterned mess aesthetic | Shoulder length black hair | Greenish blue eye color | Always seen wearing a mask and at least 2 layers of clothing | Severe burn scars on her face, neck and left shoulder which are always covered]&[/abbr]
(IC Opinions)[/justify]

bub ;; she/her ;; 15yrs
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BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS --- open, joining - by bub c. - 11-26-2019, 07:15 PM
Re: BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS --- open, joining - by bub c. - 11-27-2019, 09:34 PM

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