CAN YOU KEEP UP --- open, biweekly tasks 11/19 - 12/3
"What? Someone requested these? Did you write this?" Salem looked at the small scrap of paper his informant had handed him. They'd assured him the three suggestions were from a legitimate member who'd asked for them to be done, but two of them seemed to be pranks. He didn't mind setting chaos loose in the Badlands, but usually he was the only one jazzed about it.

"Whatever, saves me some time." Salem sighed, adding the three to his list as he trotted to the usual Biweekly Tasks meetup spot. The cracked, decaying fountain was still just as ugly as when he'd last seen it, and he ascended to the bottom basin with little effort.

"Alrighty, everybody gather up for our actual Tasks and not a repeat of what happened last time. After some asking around and looking over the records, I've determined Addy is our newest winner and is now the owner of one fifteen pound turkey. To be delivered in about a day, let me know if you want it alive or dead." His voice lacked the usual bravado, falling into a bit of a monotone as he droned on. He just wasn't feeling the showmanship today, sue him.

"This round our prize will be- drumroll please-" Salem glanced down at his informant, who sighed and started slapping their whiteboard in a mock drumroll. He let it roll through the air for a few moments before speaking again. "-A digital camera! Nearly brand new, alongside a solar panel for all your electricity needs so long as those needs are limited solely to your new camera. Use it to take photos that will last as long as your short, sad lifespan." Was that too depressing? It might be too depressing. Oh well, he couldn't take the words back after he said them.

"If you don't want the camera, I'll find your house and set a llama loose in it. Sounds good? Good, good. Now come get your tasks."

Welcome to Biweekly tasks! I apologize for the awkward hiatus on the Tasks, but I'm back and excited to do my best as a host for the next two weeks and beyond. But yes, for those who're unfamiliar with how I run Tasks, here's a quick rundown!

I'll provide a list of Tasks slash prompts, and you can post with your character claiming one of them. Next you make the thread related to the task, and whoever gets the most posts on their Task thread by the specified end date wins the prize! This round, the prize is a digital camera with a small solar panel to power it! Since these are shop items, when the winner is determined I will buy the items and send them to the winner.

Last week's winner was [member=9334]ADDY.[/member] with 4 posts! Thread Here. This was officalized at 11:51pm 11/19 pst.
The end date for these tasks are 12/3/2019

I highly encourage the continued use of past task rp threads, though any past task threads won't count towards new prizes.
Also, to make this easier for me to count, I would like to politely ask you put the date (11/19) in your task's thread title, or somewhere on your first post of said thread. This isn't a necessity and threads without it will still be counted, but if you want to do me a favor I'd really appreciate it! But again, this is totally optional.

Alright, onto the prompts!

Thank you Cosmyn for the first three tasks!

—Dig up a tree and replant it in a different location
Write a letter to someone you've fallen out of touch with, though it doesn't need to be sent
—Tell someone who's having a bad day to keep up the good work, but do so aggressively
Lead a border patrol and scare off some scavengers
—Run a very serious adult game of tag
—Host a training session, whether it be for weapons or for medicine
—Go trade with an allied/neutral group
—Paint a mural anywhere in the city
—Adopt a pet
Scavenge an old school bus for scrap

And as a final reminder, these tasks should serve as prompts first and foremost and your thread can be staged at any part of doing them!

Lastly, if you've got any thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc, feel free to message me on this subaccount or my main account darky! I'm completely open to feedback of any kind, positive or negative.
[justify]I feel the unbearable weight, [abbr=Goes by Salem or Monty | He/Him or They/Them Pronouns | 28yrs Old | 6'3"| Councilman of the Badlands | Former pirate captain | Sexuality is a unlabeled free for all, romance is questioning]&[/abbr]
I sense the ripping of my shame, [abbr=Medium-Hard Physically | Hard Mentally | Attacks with whip, scimitar or revolver | Open to capture and maim if requested / discussed prior | Not open for death | Difficult but not impossible to defeat or subdue]&[/abbr]
I hear the sigh of indifference [abbr=Guy Fieri aesthetic | Neck-length dull brownish-grey hair | Bright green eyes | Three piercings on both ears (two on top cartilage, one large on lobe), and a lip piercing | Scruffy beard starting to grow in | Both pinky fingers cut off]&[/abbr]
(IC Opinions)[/justify]

top dog salem - he/him or they/them
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CAN YOU KEEP UP --- open, biweekly tasks 11/19 - 12/3 - by capt. salem - 11-19-2019, 08:36 PM

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