[align=center][div style="width:500px;font-size:9.2pt; text-align:justify"]"Really? 'S what I fuckin' said. Members and joiners. Threw you a bone." She must've missed that part. Maybe in La La Land, where she'd apparently fucked off to while he was talking. And Wolfsbane would have them taking in people like this. Didn't see how it'd benefit the big man in the long run, but knowing him, it wasn't about self-interest; guy had a soft spot a mile long. Just enough room to squeeze in all the misfits. If Caustic had his way, half the people who showed up at the border would become part of it. Skulls obviously weren't cutting it. Bodies were a little more obvious.

Caustic sat back on part of a collapsed wall, pulling a shirt from his bag to continue tearing it into strips, brow drawn together. All those supplies they handed out for free to other groups, and they didn't get jack shit back. Hell, he wondered what these two would even contribute. Maybe they should set up a test for people who showed up at the fence. Something they had to run through to prove they weren't just looking for easy handouts, because Caustic sure as hell wasn't here to patch up the boo-boos of everyone who walked through here if they weren't planning on pitching in. Wasn't a daycare.

"Soon as you figure that out, gotta run you through a few things. You been in a group before?" He glanced up, expectant again, rolling the strips of cloth over his hand and stuffing them into the bag.

[div style="max-width:;font-size:15pt; font-family:impact; letter-spacing:1.1px; color:black; padding:10px"]I AM BOTH MAN AND BRIGADE
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HALLELUJAH — JOINING - by WOLF! - 07-08-2019, 07:30 AM
Re: HALLELUJAH — JOINING - by CAUSTIC - 07-09-2019, 05:04 PM

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