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— “you say that like i haven’t seen you play.”
“well fuck you, too,” he huffed, kicking the slightest bit of dirt catalyst’s way- no real harm meant in the remark, or the action following after. even he’d admit that he wasn’t the best in pool- but he’d spent plenty of nights out at a bar playing pool for cheap booze and even money back in the day. just slightly better than your average joe.

and, now, there was a prize on the table. eight-year aged merlot? merlot wasn’t necessarily up there on his list of favorite drinks, even while he had yet to drink said merlot - wine had never been his favorite in the first place - but that didn’t deter him from taking the offer. cat offered to be a ref, and, “sure. you win and you can have-” he considered what there could be to even offer. he had next to nothing valuable. shrugging, he stood up from his spot. “we’ll figure that out when we get to it.”

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Re: AIN'T NO REST FOR THE WICKED ][ open - by ADDY. - 07-05-2019, 04:22 AM

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