ALL MY GUTS TRY TO SPILL [] open, joiner
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— addy had no idea what the hell was going on when he wandered over towards the newcomer and catalyst, and the patrol group standing a ways back. it looked like the two had introduced themselves, and simply, all addy could do was glance between the two for a moment as he got closer. he never really had been afraid of just walking into any situation; one with a newcomer definitely wasn’t that intimidating to him.

“s’he wanting to join?”  he asked catalyst, glancing at them before looking back at the newcomer. this guy didn’t seem like one to join a group; he didn’t know, he just got that.. feeling from the guy. he looked a lot more like a loner. then again, addy had thought himself to be better off alone, and shit had he been wrong.

//sorry for this post yikes

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Re: ALL MY GUTS TRY TO SPILL [] open, joiner - by ADDY. - 06-24-2019, 07:18 PM

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