YOU AND ME ★ sleds
[glow=Black,2,300]JUST LAST THE YEAR [url=http://]★[/glow]
[div style="Width: 485px; min-height: 25px; padding: 10px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; margin-top: -6px;"]Sleds.
Videogames hadn't tried sledding down a hill, before. This may or may not be strange to hear from the serval who loved snow just that much, but he hadn't. No time or materials, nothing.
.. This being said, Videogames was deadset on making this his year. His first ride, his first try. But Videogames would be damned if he was the only one doing it. Sledding was a bonding activity!! It was supposed to be fun! You screamed, you heard other people scream!! Altogether, a wholesome bonding experience.
Which meant that Videogames, of course, had to set it up. A sled was hard to come by -- a chunk of bark wouldn't do nearly as well.
In the end, though, he just conjures it. Four plastic sleds, at will. He couldn't manage anymore at the moment. It's kind of tiring, in all honesty.
But! He has them! Which is really all that matters to Videogames. He wants his friends to have fun. So, it's with a wide grin that Videogames begins lugging the sleds over to the meadows. He stumbles a lot, because while they weren't too heavy, they were just awkward to lug around.
... At long last, he finds himself on a hill. A tall hill, right at the base of Coldside. He's beaming as he dumps his items. "HEY GUYS!! LOOK WHAT I'VE GOT!!" He shouts, excited. Oh shit, some of his members didn't like snow, though. Uh -- it'll be a minute before they arrive. He can probably -- yeah. There we go, hot chocolate and tea. He gingerly sets it on the impromptu table, aka a log.
Yeah, okay, that was good.
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YOU AND ME ★ sleds - by VIDEOGAMES - 11-26-2018, 05:27 AM

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