YOURE A ROBOT ★ turkey hunt
[glow=Black,2,300]JUST LAST THE YEAR [url=http://]★[/glow]
[div style="Width: 485px; min-height: 25px; padding: 10px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; margin-top: -6px;"]//I WAS BUSY YESTERDAY PLEASE.... PRETEND ITS STILL TURKEY DAY
Needless to say, Videogames had spent more time than necessary on this. Like, how would you get feral turkeys in the winter? Videogames was not going to reveal his secrets just yet. But, let's just say, it wasn't ideal. It was frustrating, but Videogames was happy if it allowed his clanmates to have fun.
Videogames had several NPCS manning the turkeys right now. They were to be released once he gave the signal -- a subtle signal. As in, he doesn't do anything except yell, which was why the NPCs were intended to have good hearing.
"ALRIGHT, EVERYONE!! GATHER FOR THIS WEEK'S PROMISED EVENT!!" He shouts, loud as he can. He's grinning with clear delight, turkey feathers spread at his paws. Feathers were something of a status symbol, here in the Vale -- Videogames would like to participat in the event himself, but it just didn't feel right. His tail swishes. He's still grinning. "It's a turkey hunt!! In a few moments, feral turkeys will be released. You just have to chase and catch them! You can keep the feather to wear, like the bird hunting tradition. You can some feathers, but return the turkeys!" He directs. They might put together a small feast with them -- god knows winters were hard to find food throughout. The Vale .. had enough to last them, but he's still somewhat nervous.
And with that, the hunt is on.
Videogames, smirking, simply settles in to wait. The turkeys don't exactly have a set area -- there's a few in the woods and the meadow. But that's all, really. (iron shade wouldn't work, anyways.)
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YOURE A ROBOT ★ turkey hunt - by VIDEOGAMES - 11-24-2018, 02:54 AM
Re: YOURE A ROBOT ★ turkey hunt - by CABOOSE - 11-26-2018, 05:48 AM

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