BEG TO DIFFER ★ building a snowman
Videogames found it hard to see flaws in people. Or saying no to people. Which is probably why Videogames let Lemy have his way so often, or why he sucked so bad at scolding or otherwise denying Ian. Damn if he didn't try sometimes, but Videogames was a pushover at the worst of times. (that hadn't been something that Arrowhead had been able to train him out of, because then he'd been, well .. dead.
Videogames hadn't realized just how much he relied on Arrowhead to straighten up 'till he was gone.)
"Oh thank god," Videogames puffs out upon seeing two of his groupmates. Sigmund, of whom Videogames enjoyed seeing around, and Ian, who Videogames probably loved with his whole heart. His tail begins waving in a very dog-like fashion as he grins crookedly at them.
"Sure is!" He tells Ian cheerily, and then nods his head in sheer relief at the kid's offer. Videogames thinks that he'd probably die before successfully completing the snowman by himself, which was a real shame, 'cause snowmen were fun and who the hell would lead if Videogames died? Lemy?? Videogames loved Lemy, he really did, but jesus christ that'd end in absolute chaos. Also, dying from making a snowman would be an absolutely humiliating way to go out.
Videogames, while he doesn't miss the brief flattening of Sigmund's ears upon Ian's arrival, finds that he doesn't particularly care. Not liking people was reasonable, even if it was Ian and what was wrong with Ian?? Videogames, however, was a reasonable person(sometimes), and decides that worrying about it wasn't worth it. So, he sticks his tongue out at Sigmund, squeezing his eyes shut. If he were in an even more childish mood, he might have blown a raspberry or something. But he isn't, thank god.
".... Yes," Videogames decides after a noticeable pause. God. He still needs stuff for the snowman's face!!! A scarf!! A hat!! This was all very important and was being forgotten.

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Re: BEG TO DIFFER ★ building a snowman - by VIDEOGAMES - 11-16-2018, 02:10 AM

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