BEG TO DIFFER ★ building a snowman
Videogames was ... childish. This was an disputable fact. Videogames didn't care about being viewed that way, anyways -- as long as they didn't think that he'd take his duties as king anything but seriously. He knew how to balance his duties and his personality -- Arrowhead had looked over him, sighed, and made a point to include that in their lessons. It was very useful -- Videogames had struggled with that when Arrowhead first took him on.
.. This being said. You couldn't blame the guy for needing a reprieve of some sort. It'd been king-ly stuff all week. He was going to melt if he had to stay inside any longer. There was snow, and it was still snowing, and so snow was what Videogames was going to distract himself with. Of course -- he had to provide a good example. So, the serval strapped himself into some of said gear, sadly stripping himself of his grown and flower ring, and then sets out to the meadow, where the snow was thickest. Giddily, the serval notes that he's mid-paw in snow. .. He has a plan. There's enough snow for it!! Snowball fights were overrated anyways. .. Of course, Videogames would probably be hosting one later. Just .. not today. Today was a snowman day.
The heart of the problem was, of course, making it picture-esque. Why did some snowmen look so brown? Videogames doesn't know, but he's intent on avoiding such a travesty regardless. The first steps are simple, of course. The serval bounces back onto his hind quarters, and gathers snow into his paws. It's cold but, of course, Videogames has boots on.  He takes part of a moment to be smug about this, and then continues bundling the snowball up, as tightly as he can manage. Of course .. it's kind of lumpy, but Videogames is content with that. As gently as he can manage, almost toppling over on his unsteady weight, he plops the snowball into the snow, before settling onto all four paws. It's easy enough to just roll with his nose at first, angling his head down to nudge the ball determinedly through the fresh snow. And, gradually it grows heavier, and harder to push with his nose, at which point his neck grows tired. Videogames groans, straightens up, and then starts to push with his paws, stumbling awkwardly all the while. Altogether, making a snowman is much more monotonous than Videogames remembers it being. But, after a long minute, the puffing serval has his snowman base, nearing the size of Videogames himself. Not quite. But almost.
.. But it's only the bottom, he realizes.
He has the middle and head to do.
"Fuck," He groans under his breath, hanging his head and pouting. Making a snowman is far more exhausting than he remembers it being.
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BEG TO DIFFER ★ building a snowman - by VIDEOGAMES - 11-15-2018, 11:59 PM

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