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[spoiler=info — updated 1/25/17]
★ METTATON DARLING | METTA | afab male (gnc)
★ panromantic | pansexual
★ 24| oct/15 | real time
★ the badlands | grunt

★ cute
★ glam
★ has a stash of makeup

★ human [10.15/main] | health: 90%
— 6'3'' & 195 lbs; slender torso but muscled, great posture but narrow shoulders. Long, thick black hair that's wavy and shoulder length, often tucked behind an ear, rarely in a ponytail. Often covering up the eyepatch over his right eye. Blue eyes and generally wears black, accented with pink, purple, and blue.
— [i]major injuries: (missing an eye, affects peripheral vision and depth perception)

- mettaton has a huge fear of being genuinely hated, not cared about, not being good enough. he is pretty good at masking this but he has anxiety.

- mettaton has black hair and blue eyes, he's caucasian. he has two studs above his eyebrow and he wears very dramatic clothing as well as wearing makeup quite frequently, as he has compiled a stash. He is about six feet, three inches tall, and is pretty average of weight. He has one eye and wears an eyepatch.

- Mettaton is extremely dramatic, flamboyant, and glamorous. He loves making a statement--of any kind. He's friendly, though quite self-centered, and likes to use pet names a lot--notably, calling people 'darling' quite often. He gets extremely enthusiastic about quite a lot, and thinks of himself as above most earthly things. Though he can seem shrewd and is certainly intelligent and creative, he can be quite idealistic, naive, and even gullible, easily manipulated. It can seem hard to shake his confidence, but he can be made an unwitting pawn of someone's game if they know how to play him.

★ single
★ npc x npc| generation 1
★ No Romantic Interest
★ No Sexual Interest

★ interacts with literally everyone he sees + quite friendly, even flirtatious
★ difficulty: 7/10 in battle | + strength, speed, agility | - stamina
★ tends to negotiate, but if he feels that's impossible, he likes to make the first move
★ speech in #774BBF
★ attack in bold #D600BA
★ can powerplay nonviolent actions
★ all IC opinions


Mettaton Hampton
✨ 24, 6'3'', 190lbs
✨ afab, male, he/him
✨ medium, 7/10 difficulty
✨ eyepatch over right eye
✨ more tags below in spoiler
coded by junkers

Oh, Darling

It was a busy day for the young man. He had his knife by his side, and he was ready for a fight, should it come to one--but today he was on his own, in the sunny flatlands that lay outside the Badlands' city. A few houses were here and there, and he planned to loot any small, overlooked trinkets he could find. It was a hobby of his; afterall, anything useful was mostly already taken. He wasn't expecting to find a flashlight, or a gun--but he might find some figurines, or books, or perhaps even some lipstick? And clothing, of course--he was quite handy with a needle and had taken it upon himself to take every bit of discarded clothing he could find, and if it didn't fit, he could always sew it onto something else.

He'd already dispatched of a rabbit--it had been wounded, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to with his current weapon, but he was glad. Something to eat that wasn't going on rancid. It was in a knapsack on the tall man's back, and he was already moving into the first dilapidated house, an old bungalow with cobwebs he curled his lips at, though once he'd waved a stick through, he smiled, and began to hum.
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FULL OF SHINE AND FULL OF SPARKLE--OPEN, scavenging! - by Mᴇᴛᴛᴀᴛᴏɴ - 01-26-2017, 01:21 AM

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