USERNAME Keeekeeey
WHY SHOULD YOU BE CONSIDERED I am very active and I'm willing to help in any way possible! Big Grin
WHAT PLOT IDEAS DO YOU HAVE just a list below, but i've got more stuff both personally with Aloe, Winter, Sun and Little (so family stuff) and with the group ^^
Prophecy? - Perhaps a prophecy happens that's intertwined with the drought and clan drama. You could raffle it out or do something similar to a sign up. It'd help give us a boost in activity and in members, as well as help the other clans get more active. If it's not allowed I totally get it, just throwing it out there.
Dogs? - like in the beginning books with brightheart and swiftpaw. This could cause lots of activity as people are trying to figure out where the dang things are as well as encourage agnst plots and posts.
Battle - perhaps a new group doesn't like aloestar/wants or feels like someone else deserves it more and this forces others to side one way or the other?
Rogues - perhaps a group of rogues wants to join or make their own clan but decide to attack thunder clan in an attempt to get territory?

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THUNDERCLAN DEPUTY TRYOUTS - by aloefoot - 08-13-2018, 10:53 PM
Re: THUNDERCLAN DEPUTY TRYOUTS - by toby - 08-13-2018, 11:01 PM
Re: THUNDERCLAN DEPUTY TRYOUTS - by Keeekeeey - 08-14-2018, 02:09 AM

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