(no pictures bc you know they're a pain in the ass to get and even if they weren't I'm too exhausted rn to bother looking)
Arc Nevermore
He's gay but not very open about it and also he'd rather be with a man who he's,, not being forced to be with
He's very kind, kept to himself, and curious about most things. He's an avid learner and he tries to help people when he can, but can get burnt out on the company of others very easily.

Arc didn't mind marrying a man. In fact, he had expected to some day get married to some nice man and settle down - whether or not the two of them would run away together in these fantasies was dependant on how his parents reacted to him being gay - but evidently he actually had no choice in who he got to marry, since he was being forced into a marriage with some random other Prince. And he hated it. He didn't want to just be married off to the first man who came along. He didn't care about the fucking war, he just wanted to get to pick who he would spend the rest of his life with.

All of these protests were swirling in his chest as he watched Kai silently, feeling his anger at his parents only grow. The tall male was wearing an ornate red and gold outfit made out of thin fabric that matched his blonde hair and striking amber eyes, and he seemed much more comfortable than Kai in the warmth. He hissed out through gritted teeth as the other looked him over, hating the feeling of being evaluated, "Yes, I suppose I am."

[color=#8F7894]we are the sealers of the fate
we are the fangs of the snake
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Re: ALL THE WAY HOME I'LL BE WARM / private - by peridot. - 07-25-2018, 01:26 PM

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