04-26-2017, 01:09 AM
*gives checkers a gentle forehead kiss* feel better : (
ALSO!! if anyone wants to plot with eobshin,,
*winks at you and drops a link* http://www.bearbonesrp.com/index.php/topic,1722.0.html
(also i'm leaving her open thread unanswered until a couple of people respond to it just because i wanna make sure everyone has a chance to be In On It if they wanna be!!)
ALSO!! if anyone wants to plot with eobshin,,
*winks at you and drops a link* http://www.bearbonesrp.com/index.php/topic,1722.0.html
(also i'm leaving her open thread unanswered until a couple of people respond to it just because i wanna make sure everyone has a chance to be In On It if they wanna be!!)
[abbr=claire made this!]―[/abbr] SHE DEPENDS ON YOU