[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 515px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 125%; text-align:justify;"]Since Aqui's much better in Spanish than he is in English, that'll be a sort of comfort for him, lmao. But quiet interaction is probably his favourite kind, and he'd always be happy to help out with Spanish, so that'd be good! + He'll probably be indebted to Tiberius for life for just sketching stuff, lmao. He's bad at visualising + bad at art, so he'll be really grateful for that. And of course! Maybe it can be a two-way thing? Aquilino helps Tiberius with reading + Tiberius gives some pointers on speaking?

[spoiler=IT’S A PUNCH AND A KISS AND I’M TRYNA REMEMBER | INFO, UPDATED 30TH JUNE 2018]﹠ Aquilino Favreau | Accepts Aqui as a nickname | Cis male | Masculine pronouns
﹠ 28 years old / March 19th (Pisces) | [abbr=Mother: Mariana Favreau | Father: Baptiste Favreau]NPC x NPC[/abbr] | Has [abbr=Santiago Favreau, Salvador Favreau]two brothers[/abbr] and [abbr=Sofía Bachmann]one sister[/abbr]
﹠ Biromantic bisexual | Single, no crushes | Fairly private about his sexuality/love life
﹠ Member of Los Santos | Has lived there since the beginning | Doesn't often wander

﹠ Born and raised mostly in Spain | Spent many of his childhood summers in France
﹠ Speaks French and Spanish fluently | Is okay with English, though he isn't as adept
﹠ A man of few words. Is pretty soft-spoken. | Ref #1 & Ref #2 (longer; purple subs).

﹠ Face claim is Fabrizio Moro. | References here. (More will be added as I find them.)
﹠ ½ Spanish, ½ French. | About 5'7 / 5'8; not as tall as one might expect. Has golden skin, dark eyes, and dark brown/black hair. Has quite a lot of tattoos; got most of them at a fairly young age. | Isn't really heavily scarred at all. There may be a few on the backs of his hands, or in places that aren't exactly noticeable, but they're thin and mostly-faded. Has a smooth complexion. | Has a really relaxed style. His of an outfit is grabbing some jeans / trousers and a t-shirt, and then he's good to go. Flannels are also popular, as well as jackets that are usually tied around his waist. May throw on a coat or a scarf if it's cold, but he's very much a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. | Has imperfect sight; wears contacts and glasses to see properly. If wearing contacts, sunglasses are common; if he's rushing (which is more often than not), he sticks to wearing his regular glasses.

﹠ Is pretty anxious and withdrawn. Reserved and fairly closed-off; prefers to sit back, listen and observe before thinking about jumping into social situations. Doesn't take the initiative when it comes to conversations with people he isn't comfortable with. | Remarkably reckless when it comes to himself. Typically the first of a group to leap from the ledge into water or do something physically dangerous. Self-destructive but learning to control his impulsive tendencies (with varying degrees of success). | A generally laid-back person regardless of his anxiousness and recklessness, preferring to go with the flow rather than meticulously planning everything. Difficult to offend; if upset by something, he prefers to laugh it off rather than causing a scene. | Surprisingly passionate about the things and people he loves; becomes an entirely different, almost energetic person when engaged on that level. Will talk for hours about anything and everything he enjoys, and becomes much easier to draw out of his shell. | Better with children and animals than he is with other adults. Adores dogs (the bigger the better) and has a (not so) secret soft spot for all cats.
﹠ Is absolutely terrified of crickets. Is completely addicted to (and would die for) waffle fries, but despises tomato soup. | Smokes habitually to calm his nerves; has done so since his mid-twenties (approx. 24ish). Meticulous enough with his hygiene for the smell not to cling to him. | Drinks, but not excessively; is more controlled with alcohol than with cigarettes.

﹠ Seldom gets involved in physical fights | Attack / get attention with [member=8908]A. FAVREAU[/member]
﹠ Doesn't carry any weapons | Is fairly decent in close combat, but isn't at all trained
﹠ Is followed around by a 15 m/o Rottweiler male named Mateo | Reference here.[/spoiler]
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