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this is kind of a mess because it's two in the morning but i'm Trying
[spoiler=seren genucia]
seren octavia genucia. twenty years old. allied with the peace faction. trained healer.

outwardly, seren can initially seem cool, composed, and at times, uncomfortable around others. she prides herself in her work, and takes the loss of lives, even strangers, to a personal level. though she may outwardly seem unemotional, she does care - she was simply taught to ignore personal feelings, and addressing them is a battle she's not sure how to navigate. intelligent and intuitive, she tends to be overly critical about people around her, and struggles to trust beyond a superficial level. however, she's sly enough to keep this issue to herself, and she's not above pretending to let people in, in reality putting up a facade.

though she stands for the peace faction, at times it's easy to question if she might be more neutral than anything else, as she understands the need for some degrees of violence and war. however, she doesn't believe it to be the first option, and often it isn't the right option in her eyes. she looks down on murder and killing most predominantly, and does what she can to help whoever she can to the best of her ability.

though she isn't very outgoing, she can be very polite and sociable. with remarkable manners, quick wit, and an easy charm, she's a skilled conversationalist and a natural diplomat. though her immediate instincts always tell her to walk away from people, she does her best to ignore them, resulting in occasional formal interjections into situations. she tends to be very pleasant to be around, as she looks at most things from various points of view, tries to argue things from every perspective, and understands that sometimes she's wrong.

history is publicly unknown, though heavy scarring and fighting abilities suggest that she didn't always argue for pacifism. arrived in new carthage little over two years prior. she works as a healer, often treating people for whatever they can give in return; at times, she treats people for nothing at all.

applying for peace suffet or minister of health.[/spoiler]

[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request    —    van#5054
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Re: NEW CARTHAGE | HP TRYOUTS + ADOPTIONS - by VAN - 05-27-2018, 06:54 AM

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