the thing is, nobody's ever held or used the vice leader position, and if you're gonna have a second leader, you should list it as a second leader, not an entire other title - that just seems kinda silly to me. that's why in the stea bastion, the leaders are listed as such - equal leaders, the king and queen.

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we'll see then cause I'm legit half asleep rn lmfao, right now I'm concentrating a little more on the territory before going through the ranks as of now so yep!

[Image: f4KxUu0.jpg]
Everybody hoping they could be the one
I was born to run, I was born for this !!!
the vice-leader basically is sorta like a vice-president! so it's second leader, but with a better title than second leader :^) so i don't think it needs a name change
as long as theyre equal and are listed as such, the true meaning of the name doesnt quite matter
it hasn't been used yet since there's no need for it right now - it's an optional rank for the leader. if they decide there is a need for a second leader than they can promote a vice

im gonna do it
my friend gave me a character that i adored and im gonna play the shit out of him

[align=center][div style="font-size:18pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:georgia;padding:4px"][i]so come on love, draw your swords[div style="font-size:9pt;line-height:1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-3px"]SHOOT ME TO THE GROUND / YOU ARE MINE, I AM YOURS   ⋆  [abbr=click for biography]SETEKH D.R.[/abbr]
—  ⋆  — LET'S NOT FUCK AROUND[align=center]
wwww henlo ive returned
i just researched history and shit bc :^) :^) :^) and im dead i died just put me in the ucing grave and i didnt even learn enough !!!!!! what the fuck !!!!!!!! where are the websites i need im dead !!!!! its 3 fucking am !!!!

lmfao good luck grea !!!! hella !!!!!!
casually feels my blood boil

[div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 300px; font-size: 7pt; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]—  "I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT EVERY TIME I TELL YOU TO GET HOME SAFE, STAY WARM, HAVE A GOOD DAY, OR SLEEP WELL WHAT I'M REALLY SAYING IS "I LOVE YOU." I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT IT'S STARTING TO STEAL OTHER WORDS' MEANINGS. I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE VALID." CECIL WINTERS / NORTHSTAR / ½ WOLFBUCK  —
pops in

to be honest??? i gotta agree with checkers. i've never seen the need for a second leader when instead of splitting the workload, it just makes everything a little bit difficult because you're constantly consulting them and they might not always be there to be consulted with, and then you gotta make decisions without them anyways and aaah it's just a mess!! this is coming from someone whose done this before. also idk if it's just but the fact that there's "shadowhunter" and then "vice-leader" just bothers me for some reason,, the ranks don't mesh well together in name or description. if we work together we can probably change it, but imo having a vice-leader takes so much from having an actual deputy that at this point you don't really need the rank?? vice leaders substitute for the leader. they hold raids, major authority, basically the right-hand-man in all but title. deputies seem to just sit there and look pretty when in reality they're supposed to be the ones to do all that stuff.
while i can see where thats coming from, ive also seen the vice leader rank be used commonly among clans in the past, and used well
personally i dont mind whether or not there is a vice leader (since imo it's not important) but i feel like its just a rank that can vary from leader to leader y'know? like a personal choice whether or not they want or need one

[align=center][div style="font-size:18pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:georgia;padding:4px"][i]so come on love, draw your swords[div style="font-size:9pt;line-height:1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-3px"]SHOOT ME TO THE GROUND / YOU ARE MINE, I AM YOURS   ⋆  [abbr=click for biography]SETEKH D.R.[/abbr]
—  ⋆  — LET'S NOT FUCK AROUND[align=center]
but then again u have to remember that usually vice-leaders are friends of the leader and they have more means of contacting each other than two people that, say, got promoted because they're hard-working, good members and not because of they're more on par with each other. and then there's instances where what if the other leader is grounded? on vacation? only has limited time on the internet? at that point, if it's getting to be too much, what use is a vice-leader if they're only around to be your other half and not someone of much use?
and i get that. personally wanting someone to """carry your workload""" as a vice is okay for some, but vice-leaders and leaders need to either be as one or just not a thing at all. having a vice-leader as an official title makes people expect that it's  needed when in some cases it's not. having it instead as apart of the leader rank (this is why some people have more than two leaders but instead of having separate ranks and creating confusion, it's all just one thing) is like saying, "hey, this isn't gonna happen as much depending on the leader, but maaaybeee i'll promote someone to leader alongside me when it's needed."
eeey, kiddos
papi mar here to make sure everyone is cringing by the end of the day

[Image: b_oy_boy_by_meidikebear-dbpeq8q.png]
[align=center]discord; boo__fiend#6666 | dating spacexual | Formerly MarMar
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terrors has declared this space as his
Bryne has claimed this spot to announce that she loves her son
as part of bearbones, you have been vored
flops down in here

☽*˚⊹. [color=transparent]———— THEY BROKE THE WRONG PARTS OF ME
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