i highkey really want to plot with stark but i have no ideas because i is poop now
endy can i pm you for more detailss i am veryyy curious george
im sorry for any spelling mistakes or weird behavior right now im just hella relaxed and goofy because smthn
also vv srry for inactivity i had a family emergency that required my immediate attention
there was pedophile drama with the actual warriors books too
the new spottedleaf novel?
[div style="border: 0px solid #9ebdce; width: 400px; height: 70px; background: url(
https://i.imgur.com/byc3kzF.png); background-position: left; background-size: 100%; background-position: top; text-align: left; font-family: georgia;"]
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jfc i swear there needs to be a dramaalert for all of the warrior fandom (including ff and bb sites)
LMAO yes definitely
edit: then again, saltclan has that covered
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https://i.imgur.com/byc3kzF.png); background-position: left; background-size: 100%; background-position: top; text-align: left; font-family: georgia;"]
[glow=#cd8b9b,2,500]gallery ♥ notes ♥ storage[/glow][align=center]
sure! I really need some plots with this ass anyways so whatever you want mate hmu!
nah, you're fine! BB wasn't on for a few anyways because of some issues but I hope things are better for you!!!
I mean, has there been much drama on BB yet??
Everybody hoping they could be the one
I was born to run, I was born for this !!!
yea i could see circ and stark being like besties. want a thread??
i havent read warriors in ages but i did see that there was that... really unusual spottedleaf book aaaa
yea!! i can pm stuff to you, but it might take me like a while tho ^^
yea luckily not much drama on bearbones has happened as of yet.
oh who would ever want to be king
other than the stuff on tumblr there really hasn't been any of bb yet thank gods
yes they'll be besties! sure! who makes?
also alright take your time!!!
that's good and I hope it doesn't happen in a while tbh aaah
Everybody hoping they could be the one
I was born to run, I was born for this !!!
can i ask you to? abt to go to bed
oh who would ever want to be king