Good god, he needed a decent meal. And maybe a drink as well.

It seemed that Nikolai had disappeared as soon as he had arrived; it had been a few months, at least, since he had stepped foot into the Badlands. He remembered departing in the dead of winter to a distant destination, a mission whose purpose was kept lowkey and hush-hush between him and the Administration... not that anyone likely cared about Nikolai's whereabouts, but it might come as a surprise to see him in the flesh again. He was not dead, miraculously, but looking worse for wear. Weeks of travel surely left one looking shabby.

His leather jacket was hung over his shoulder, no longer needed as he returned to the warm coastal climate. His plain shirt was dirtied, boots muddy, with messy hair atop his head to complete the look. Nik made an attempt to look halfway decent by smoothing his short locks back with the palm of his hand as he walked in the direction of the casino. There had been no guards posted at the border when he arrived for whatever reason, and he hadn't the patience to wait in place. He was still a member of the Badlands and Teddy, at the very least, would recognize him ( unless something had happened in his absence ).

Nik swung open the front doors a bit more harsher and carelessly than he had intended, but hey, he was exhausted. It was warranted. Eyes were on him now, and for good reason — he looked like a worn traveler who had walked in off the street. "Where's Teddy?" Demands Nik, not wanting to waste any more time. He had the information that the bastard had wanted, and if doing this mission didn’t make him a valuable member in the Administration’s eyes, then nothing would.

* ✰. ━━━━━━━━━━ I MADE A FIST AND NOT A PLAN
[align=center][div style="width: 340pt; font-size: 12px; color: ; font-family: arial; line-height: 15px; letter-spacing: 3px; margin-top: 1pt;"]nikolai ━ made man of the badlands ━ click for tags
[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: new times roman; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 1px; line-height: 14px;"]The hostility of the family's home had been a lot to bear, but Laurent was distinguished in mastering the art of retaliation. ❝ You hatched up this game, ❞ Laurent had uttered to Teddy one night, ❝ now play it. ❞ He had always been the pragmatic brother, the brain of the organisation whilst Teddy was far more concerned with following that passionate heart of his. And, even still, he began fretting.

Indeed, this had been a game that Teddy had conjured — decide upon a deal between his former allies in Back O' Town and The Badlands — and, with Teddy's smooth talking and deceitful smiles, it wasn't long before former allies would cautiously give him what he wanted. The deal marked the culmination of months of tough negotiations and by the end of it it had felt as if The Badlands had won by a landslide.

After all, if he couldn't dazzle them with his brilliance, Teddy would baffle them with his bullshit.

But cartels disliked playing games, Teddy had soon come to find. This had been Papa's idea though; silently observe the tricks of the trade and then monopolise the industry for themselves. Once Papa and Teddy had learned of New Orleans' successes from the traffickers themselves, it was easy enough to replicate and bring business to the riches of The Badlands. This was how to create an empire, Papa would point out with glee. This had been the plan that he had snatched from his own sons in any attempt to lap up the crumbs of their triumph.

Soon the deal fell through and a kingpin or two wanted Papa's head on a stake. And, if they wanted to get to Papa, they'd have to get through Teddy first. The Badlands first. At nights, Teddy would toss and turn, consumed at the lingering image of a bomb-swollen fallout that could occur if The Badlands were to get stormed by the wrath of a cartel. Thoughts were like splinters under the skin; no matter how much he'd writhe beneath the covers, he knew that he was too consumed with dread to sleep.

It was a side he'd seldom share with anyone, instead twisting a cathartic grin to his lips as he stepped out into public spaces, betraying himself with a lie. He was a lie. All he ever was had been a lie, and he was afraid. He could confide in Laurent, but he knew that his older brother would only be even more disappointed in him. They were already barely on talking terms, and this would only aggravate situations more.

❝ Ya know, I wanted to go home and deal with dis myself. But Papa, he told me they'd know who I am, he. ❞ Teddy suggested, only earning an incredulous huff from his brother. ❝ Nah, you can't deal with dis yourself because you just a coward, Ted. ❞ Teddy swallowed hard, eyes shifting away quickly, before Laurent let out a long, stressed sigh. Brows bunched together, and silence ensued for a long moment. Eventually, Laurent made his decision.

❝ Get yourself a man you can trust, and get 'im to do it. ❞

And so Teddy did.

Steps were seemingly eager as Teddy marched down the hallway following the announcement of Nikolai's return. If he were to return with the news that Teddy was after, then the odds would be in Teddy's favour. With a hopeful grin, Teddy held his arms out, palms up, as he greeted Nikolai following his safe return. ❝ Where y'at? Thought the gators might have snatched you up. ❞ He purred before allowing for his arms to fall to his sides again once he neared Nikolai. ❝ So I hope you got good news for me, Nik. ❞ If he did, then Nikolai would be the best man in Teddy's books. For the day, at least.

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; font-family: verdana; text-align: justify; font-size: 6pt; line-height: 1.4; letter-spacing: 0.5px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]✧・゚: I'VE BEEN IN LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES, DATED EVERY WOMAN IN THE ATMOSPHERE. I'VE BEEN TO EVERY CONTINENT, BROKEN ALL THE HEARTS IN EVERY HEMISPHERE, AND IF I'M NOT THE TYPE OF GUY YOU LIKE TO CIRCUMVENT, JUST REMEMBER NOT TO LOVE ME WHEN I DISAPPEAR. I GRADUATED AT THE TOP, I LIKE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BOURGEOISIE . . .
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