private plotting!
bap, here's the plotting thread for Jill 'n Chris! [member=1280]kip[/member]

[spoiler=Staff Vandalism]
fi is my sword spouse and so are you - crows
i'm legally adopting max k bye - pyre
quick track! :0

and as for the eerie night i spend with you, good night and welcome home
[div style="margin: auto; width: 35%; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial; line-height: 16px; text-align: justify;"]
track! :0

woo ok, i don't have much of an idea of what i wanna do w chris yet, is there anything specific you had in mind?
Atm, I don't have much in mind other then having them reunite after a little while (unless you'd like to have them reunite immediately and join the same group as each other ofc :0) and some bits of their history together, working as partners in the same police unit and being really close. I'll probably get some more ideas shortly and if you get any ideas soon I'd love to hear 'em! :0 I was planning on putting Jill in Flintlock Lodge.

[spoiler=Staff Vandalism]
fi is my sword spouse and so are you - crows
i'm legally adopting max k bye - pyre
[div style="margin: auto; width: 35%; font-size: 11px; font-family: arial; line-height: 16px; text-align: justify;"]
i kinda like the idea of them joining together, if that's alright? i feel like i'd have more muse for him that way tbh
as far as his persona: i think he'll be a very quiet and practical person, maybe drawn to policing because he wants to make a difference/is a strong believer in law+order? as for what initially separated them, maybe something traumatic caused him to leave policing for a while before all the tnw origin stuff happened? it's been a minute since i've done tnw so i'll have to look over the game backstory again fglfkgjds;
Ye, that's perfectly fine w/ me!
And that could work! It'll be interesting to see him with a personality like that, and how he and Jill will interact. :0 Since she's more of a hotheaded person and very stubborn but she'll have a bit of a soft spot for him since they were close and work partners. As for the traumatic event causing them to go separate ways, I suggest that maybe he lost most of his family members?? Ofc, it's your choice in the end. etnettehjwsjh.

[spoiler=Staff Vandalism]
fi is my sword spouse and so are you - crows
i'm legally adopting max k bye - pyre
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