group suggestions?
i know a million people have asked this already but here i go sitting my indecisive self on the wagon

so i have annie here, whos not exactly the nicest little 16 year old, and i'm wondering where she would fit best. i know the badlands is kind of in style with her, but it isn't the best place considering the kind of development i want for her? so i'm kind of stuck. i'd appreciate any recommendations yall have!!

(also a small note that i already have plans to put another character in northstar district at sm point so any other group pls)
omfg i love her already !?!??!

without the badlands nor northstar in the mix, you got flintlock, bluestem or los santos to choose from !! it's all rlly dependent on what development you'd like for her?? what sort of development were you hoping to see with annie??

i'm always going to be biased with bluestem as its my baby, but its basically its an unruly western-esque group of nomads who basically dont really believe in law and order. personally i'd say she'd fit in there based on the fact that she's pretty blunt as a person and a lot of people there like to speak their mind, making for some v interesting interactions. also, there's just been an arson attack, destroying their territory, so that'd always be interesting to hop into.

flintlock lodge would also be really interesting for annie if you're looking for a place to really test her. she's a lone wolf yet flintlock is an environment where she'd be forced into conversation since of the high density of people in one small space (the lodge itself). also theyre seen as the "nice" people, and with hayley's leadership the rules have become more strict for lodgers which would also be cool to see how annie reacts to that.

and lastly we have los santos. honestly? i know little about it, but it seems like a very interesting group!! they are a drug trafficking group i believe with a very firm set of morals. i cant say much else as i really dont know too much about that group, but its always good to look into it anyways if you're interested??!!

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

thank u!! i'm very excited to put her in action ^^

i was kind of debating flintlock at first but i figured the male-female ratio was uneven so i would have felt kinda bad adding another female character lol. but i was hoping that along the way she would learn to not be so cut-throat and to chill out more, maybe be a little more friendly towards others, and she would need some positive people to help with that.

bluestem is pretty interesting to me considering the cowboy theme, so i might drop her in there or go ahead with flintlock. both groups would probably have their own neat opportunities. los santos is pretty cool too but she probably won't fit in the best there lol, or maybe that'd be interesting to play out?? either way the cowboys r calling my name
i vote bluestem or los santos, as they're in dire need of members, but if you want somewhere that fits her personality, id say both of them still, tbh.

are you tired of me yet?
[abbr=gorgon / he him his / married]✦[/abbr]✦[/color] i’m a little sick right now but i swear
Hoot listens to Cavetown with her friend
It’s yeehaw hours boys

EDIT: my dumb ass forgot to actually reply to your post AHDJFKGL
but yeah! I mean Bluestem is essentially a good group at heart, just with some very chaotic characters. They all welcome people in as if they’re family, so that could always help inspire Annie to open up a little more also “Annie get your gun”

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 2.6px; word-spacing: 1.9px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ALL VISIONS OF COLLISIONS, FUCKING BON VOYAGE — truce.#1303

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