05-09-2017, 04:45 AM
i thought of a faceclaim..
filthy frank or idubbs tbh
filthy frank or idubbs tbh
05-09-2017, 04:45 AM
i thought of a faceclaim..
filthy frank or idubbs tbh sORRY [align=center][size=3]LEAVING
05-09-2017, 04:52 AM
well Franku irl although Idubbbz is good for Mi too!!!
05-09-2017, 04:54 AM
NICE!! yea im not sure but?? miles does remind me of idubbz [align=center]
oh who would ever want to be king
05-09-2017, 04:59 AM
Peep cy's novel of a personality section [â€ÂÂspeakingâ€ÂÂ]["actions"]
[spoiler=tags UPDATED 01/14][justify]GENERAL: ★ CYRUS CIPHER DISHARMONY DE DIEU SIMUL STAMUS| CY / CYR / CUCULO | CISGENDER MALE ★ bisexual ★ 1 year | ages at roleplayers discretion ★ warrior IMPORTANT THINGS: ★ asocial + introverted ★ interested in politics ★ anxiety/panic disorder ★ An Assholeâ„¢ RECENT EVENTS: ★ broke up w/ con. He’s broken now. I broke him. ★ ★ PHYSICAL: ★DOMESTIC FELINE [main] | health: 90%  long cream fur with dark brown stripes around the ankles. dark brown ears. sharp, angular features that make him appear older than he is, and slightly menacing for a young cat. entirely yellow eyes. purple tongue and paw pads. glascow smile extending 5cm from each side of mouth. v tall. A large scar goes across the bridge of his nose. ref  major injuries: n/a  minor injuries: n/a PERSONALITY: ★ literally Top Assholeâ„¢ is the best way to say it. Cyrus sees it as him against the word and stops to give no one a chance to prove him wrong. Very few get to see his kind and caring side, but those who do must understand that this is a precious occurrence that should be regarded as the utmost honour. ★ introverted + asocial but will tough through it due to keeping up his name. He feels very strongly about family honour, and despite all his familial issues the Disharmony last name is sacred to him. He may be uncomfortable in highly social situations, but he feels as though if he refuses to participate this will rub off badly on the rest of his family. ★ very quick to judge and will hold that judgement for a long time. Trust issues run rampant within Cy due to his past of placing trust in the wrong people and as such he tends to make snap judgements on new acquaintances and hold onto that for a very long time as learning to trust and getting to know others is difficult. ★ worries that he's not good enough. The two main parts of his family, the Cipher and Disharmony lines, are chock full of well known or powerful members. His father is an extremely feared and widely known villain, causing a constant identity crisis of wondering whether he should be trying to be like his dad. On his mothers side, his first impression of the family was that his great grandfather was the leader, the utmost goal in his mind and despite their differences, he has always felt slightly inadequate. He fears never attaining the levels of the rest of his family. ★ fears being a failure. This ties in well with the last point. Cyrus is a power hungry being, however constantly feels as though he will never attain the level of greatness of those before him. He feels he is never deserving of anything he achieves, despite having been the Commander of War in the Exiles (feralfront) before joining his current home of Shadowclan. ★ has a lot of issues surrounding his father. Bill is a touchy subject for Cyrus as he is quite easily identified as evil. Cyrus consistently feels a pull to evil actions despite wanting to be more neutral or even good in his actions, perhaps due to genetics or simply perceived expectations. He blames Bill for a lot of his problems given that he has had to deal with others assuming he’s no good just based on the Cipher portion of his name. However he also feels a connection or gratitude to the Cipher name, as it is well known and allows him to feel more important at times. During situations where he is introducing himself and feels intimidated, he will throw the Cipher name around as a sort of power display. RELATIONSHIPS: ★ single | ½ CyFi | in love with Confinedpaw ★ parents -Bill Cipher x Brokenrecord Disharmony | gen 5 ★ siblings - ★ children - Joji ★ friends - Confinedpaw INTERACTION: ★ literally has 2 friends because he's rude ★ hard physically | medium mentally | can powerplay peaceful stuff ★ always looking for a fight | zero medical knowledge. ★ attack in #D46A6A[/spoiler] [align=center]
[align=left][b]DADDY'S LITTLE PSYCHO.
[align=right]cyrus cipher disharmony + shadowclan + warrior
05-09-2017, 05:44 AM
(05-09-2017, 04:35 AM)endless link Wrote: i have no faceclaims me sorry aAAomg yes pls. I don't really want him hurt, just mostly for him to be afraid of other clanners since he's only really been around wolves his entire life lol ![]()
05-09-2017, 07:40 AM
(05-09-2017, 04:59 AM)cyrus link Wrote: [align=center][div style="width: 375px; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; letter-spacing: 0px; "] whispers hey don't forget gaius as one of his kids,, also i'm thinking of giving up and bringing palani here or maybe to windclan to help joey over there maybe [align=center]
[div style="border: 0px solid #9ebdce; width: 400px; height: 70px; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/byc3kzF.png); background-position: left; background-size: 100%; background-position: top; text-align: left; font-family: georgia;"] [align=center][align=center][glow=#cd8b9b,2,500]gallery ♥ notes ♥ storage[/glow] ![]()
05-09-2017, 08:21 AM
o I didn't realize you were still roleplaying gaius sorry!! I'll add him tomorrow when I'm back on my laptop
05-09-2017, 08:23 AM
i actually managed to make posts with bella tho yay hey [member=556]endless[/member], how/when should i go about making the doctor's apprentice search b/c i have no idea what would be cool lol [align=center]
[div style="border: 0px solid #9ebdce; width: 400px; height: 70px; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/byc3kzF.png); background-position: left; background-size: 100%; background-position: top; text-align: left; font-family: georgia;"] [align=center][align=center][glow=#cd8b9b,2,500]gallery ♥ notes ♥ storage[/glow] ![]()
05-09-2017, 01:54 PM
I need to make a thread with shuuya
05-09-2017, 02:22 PM
(05-09-2017, 08:23 AM)checkers link Wrote: I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ROLEPLAYING HIM BUT I HAVE SO LITTLE MUSE/IDEAS FOR HIM SORRY HHHHHhm... maybe make one of those like herb-training sessions or w/e and be like "hey whoever knows herbs good gets to be an apprentice??" aaa idk [align=center][size=3]LEAVING
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