Track ++ agreeing. However, relating to the electricity plot how would this fit ib? I'm not sure a backboard should get such a big plot, and it doesn't seem to work too well with the other groups territories. I mean it could work well with flontlock but it just feels so rustic and that it wouldn't even need electrictity.
(12-15-2018, 09:35 PM)Festive boyu link Wrote: Track ++ agreeing. However, relating to the electricity plot how would this fit ib? I'm not sure a backboard should get such a big plot, and it doesn't seem to work too well with the other groups territories. I mean it could work well with flontlock but it just feels so rustic and that it wouldn't even need electrictity.

well if ND gets revised then it still gets the electricity

but if a new group is created then like, the new group could get the electricity?

(12-15-2018, 10:27 PM)Snowowls link Wrote: [justify]Tbh once activity in TNW increases we’ll all work together to create a new group, we just need enough people to support three frontboards. As it stands, we really don’t have enough people to support all three.

But yeah ND really just doesn’t interest me anymore. I appreciate all of the effort put into it, but idk, it just feels so bland. It needs to be known more than just “the trading group,” especially when it never even traded with anyone often (or at all)

We definitly do need more activity, but I feel like the people we have now would be interested in ND if it was changed or replaced with a new group, possibly creating new characters for it. Othersise, that third group spot is going to just remain dead oof lol. 

The thing is, I don't think ND will ever be supported by members even if TNW gets super active again. You're right, ND is really bland and definitely needs some kind of change lmao.

and i see fire, blood in the breeze
track for now
I've been thinking about territories actually and I kinda like the idea of a swamp territory with alligators and dangerous snakes!

and i see fire, blood in the breeze
(12-16-2018, 02:47 AM)Sheogorath link Wrote: I've been thinking about territories actually and I kinda like the idea of a swamp territory with alligators and dangerous snakes!

Heck yeah that sounds cool! I'm not sure how it would work with people living on wetlands, though .
maybe some kind of bayou? they could be in a place sort of like louisiana that has a long of problems with flooding and storms?
as far as the electricity plot, maybe there's watermills or something in the rivers, plus the added dangers of alligators and things like that?
and it could have the distinction of being warm year round, even in the summer, and add the possibility of heat stroke or something in the summer?

[color=#BCD8E4][shadow=black,left]a weekend on a boat in california
memes available upon request    —    van#5054
i think ND should change?
Okay, I realize all of what I'm about to say is an opinion, and a tough one at that. I also recognize that a lot of people may disagree with me, but I'm willing to take that risk by stating these ideas because I want the group to thrive, I want the board to thrive, I want the site to thrive as a whole. That's why I'm making this thread. Basically, I'm just going to be stating a few ideas, and maybe we could discuss them as a site? Because I'm not really seeing any other attempts to revive ND, and I really want to help out with that.

Let's take a moment to consider ND. It's dead. Clearly, nobody is interested in it, and if they are, literally nobody is showing that interest. People have tried to lead it in the past, but have had overall bad experiences with activity, and therefore have left, and even declared that they have no interest in joining again because of that experience. Considering that, now there's even less members willing to RP there. Even I've tried to rp there, and immediately ended up loosing muse because nobody seemed to care that I was trying to revive it, and because of that, I had nobody to rp with.

The way I see it, there are just a couple of things we can do to revive ND, and I have ideas, but I'm certain I'll receive push-back as a result of them. Despite that, I want to state them, because I really care about the site as a whole, and like I said earlier, I want it to thrive to the best of it's ability. That's why I want this to be an open discussion. If you have ideas for ND yourself, and don't like mine, I request that you state them here! :-D

Now, I want to state that I don't believe the electricity plot will increase activity in ND, however, if you want to wait and see before considering any changes, then I understand that. I have nothing against the electricity plot, but I really don't think it could make ND unique enough to revive it, especially considering that after the plot, solar panels might return to the shop, allowing other groups to restore power to their group.

So, here's my ideas. There's just two really.

1. We totally revise ND, the traditions, the rules, the ideas, etc. We change the group entirely to something else. To something that isn't trading, BUT, keep the name. Maintain it's neutral status, because we already have a group classified as "good" (Flintlock) and "bad" (the Badlands), so it wouldn't really make sense to have another good or bad group.

2. The second idea is that we, as a site, scrap ND, make it a backboard or something for nostalgia purposes, and all work together to create a new group, voting with one another, pitching in new ideas, and overall, just creating a group that everyone will enjoy and want to join. With everyone pitching in their ideas, we can create something that the whole site had a hand in, that is interested in. Yes, this would make ND just a memory of the past, because I doubt the activity there will ever pick up again, but it very well could revive the board. And, if ND is made a backboard, and staff ever want to bring it back because the new group isn't performing as well as expected, then they'd be able to do that by just moving the board back to the front.

So, those are my two ideas. If you have your own, I'd love to hear them. I know a lot of you might have fond memories of ND, but at the moment, it's dead. I don't forsee any hope for it, and I would hope that some of you would at least keep an open mind and consider what I've had to say before disagreeing. I'm not at all saying you can't disagree, but I would hope it'd be for some kind of reason besides simple nostalgia.

I'm sorry for sounding so harsh about this. I just really want to see every group active, and I want to generate as much interest as I can to achieve that. <3

and i see fire, blood in the breeze
tracking, and i 100% agree tbh

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