Hey guys! You've all likely noticed that as of right now, only one group in TNW is really active, and three lack leaders, Northstar District, Flintlock Lodge and the Badlands. So staff are now running leader tryouts for all three of those groups. How do you apply? Just fill out the form below and start making threads in whichever group you're hoping to lead, there might not be anyone there now but once it starts getting active again, that'll change very quickly. Plus, we want to see that any applicants are really committed to the group.

[b]TRYING OUT FOR FLINTLOCK/NORTHSTAR/BADLANDS[/b] (delete the one you're not trying out for and these parenthesis)
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Short Character Blurb:[/b]
[b]Ideas/Plans You Have:[/b]

I wanna be your happiness I wanna be your common sense pain Wrap your head in a [glow=#684460,2,300]picket fence[/glow] Rebuild after the hurricane [abbr=this user is trailhead's miss american pye — aporia has tip toed in here, peed on all your things, and then deathdropped through the floor into hell — you've been poked by fangs — crows cleaned up apoira's pee and threw chocolate at you — joey baked you yummy cookies — firebird is definitely building a nest here — you have been bitten by a wild eskie (but w love though) — skullcrow has built u a pillow fort — vid sat on your head for about ten seconds before flying away — rev loves you — hoot hoot — you are my wife / you're my wife / boogie woogie woogie — hoot tried making a nest but got burnt zoinks — darwin gave you a kees — joey loves you <3]![/abbr]
[align=center][div style="width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]
Username: van
Activity/Muse: i'm taking a gap year this year, so i honestly have all the time in the world. i have been and will continue to be in and out of hospitals, but i'm a lot more active when i'm in the hospital, since i can't sleep much and have nothing to do but roleplay. i have a ton of muse stockpiled, especially for hayley, and though i'm stuck on mobile until december first, i like to think i can still make a thicc post despite it? so i'd say 8/10 for activity, and 8/10 for muse at the moment; both will probably be bumped up to nine's once i get my laptop.
Character Name: hayley chase
Short Character Blurb: at twenty-three years old, hayley has never known a life before the blackout - not one she can remember, at least. she hardly remembers her family, the idea of safety, and the concept of home is foreign to her. but a late night with a blue eyed man has put her in a rather delicate position, and she knows better than anyone that she can't raise a child in her current lifestyle. she initially wanted to set up camp alone, but there's safety in numbers, so she's decided to make the flintlock lodge her home. she's intelligent and cunning from years as a vagabond, and she's willing to put every skill she's ever learned to use to defend and restore her new home, in hopes of bringing her baby into a safe world.
Ideas/Plans You Have:
- restoring and, down the line, installing some solar panels to the lodge.
- she'd definitely promote voting on most issues, especially ones that effect everyone. (in regards to the electricity plot, she'd only go to war if everyone voted in favor of it.) with some things she'd want unanimous voting, and would allow debate until they come to a conclusion.
- flintlock would take a slightly more aggressive approach in enemy situations; rather than always being on the defensive or staying out of things, hayley would want to get involved in anything wrong, because even if it isn't threatening them at that very moment, it very well may down the line. all fighting would be discussed within the group, since she wouldn't want to condemn anyone to fighting a fight they don't believe in, but her stance would always remain pretty clear.
- she'd really want to get a solid greenhouse going, and a canning system, so they have proper nutrition year round, and not just have things as they're harvested. with the help of solar energy, possibly setting up a food dehydrator, as an alternative to canned food.
- restoring the rabbit farm and the chicken coop, as well as some version of a goat pen, to get milks and cheeses going.
- she'd put focus on ensuring everyone knows how to defend themselves at the very least, and eventually put a lot of effort into seeing work on technology. at their best, flintlock wouldn't be wildly "tech-ey", but they'd have lights, appliances, walkie-talkies, and small heaters. there would probably be a "lights out" hour for the sake of realism with the solar panels, as the cloudy skies would make collecting energy a little more difficult.
- a walkie-talkie system to make joining threads and communication as a whole easier, which i'd be happy to fund. down the line, maybe a television and a vcr for movie nights.
- an activity-based reward system. things like making a certain amount of threads/getting a thread to a certain amount of posts/posting every day for a week would result in hayley icly acknowledging their efforts for the community and awarding things like guns, technology, and small solar panels. i've got a whole lot of bones to blow for this.
- perhaps some conflict with other groups, depending on what other leaders think? this would obviously have to be discussed, but hayley isn't someone who'd be hard to provoke if she think someone is doing something wrong.
- work could be put into building stables and keeping horses, as well as building/collecting sleds and small carriages, to make transportation easier.
- rework the current ranks and start a new title system as incentive, as well as some sort of development challenge.
- she'd want to promote a family vibe, as well as a general feeling of unity. very much a "lay down my life for you all" sort of thing, motivated by her child.
- definite celebration of holidays, as they're something hayley wants her child to grow up with. a big feast for thanksgiving, a christmas tree and decorations for christmas, we could do something for hanukkah if any characters celebrate it, a little new years party. just lighter, festive things with multiple events and things to interact with. depending on the political climate, other groups would be invited to join in on the party.
- high position try-outs; shp's would be pretty easily earned as incentive, and we'll go from there.
- instead of weekly tasks, there'd be 'chores'; pretty much the same thing as tasks, but it would be 'mandatory' icly (though hayley won't wildly enforce it, she'd certainly encourage participation, and roleplayers can say their character participated if they so choose).
- group dinners once a week. a nice meal would be made, and it could just be a good wholesome thread where everyone sits around and eats and talks and stuff. threads might be posted biweekly for the sake of giving everyone time to interact within each, and anyone would be allowed to cook for the sake of characters flexing their culinary skills. just to give that family-feel, with everyone sitting down together to eat and spend time together.
- perhaps down the line they could start taking in injured animals and build a small zoo? obviously this would have to be a group effort, but it could add a nice bit of flare to the group that wasn't there before, and go in line with the already present bunny and chicken coops. the animals would very likely only be ones native to flintlocks area, or ones that got lost out there might be cared for indoors.
- active work would be put into the library. seeing it cleaned, adding new books, encouraging people to get in there and read. hayley and/or other members could get tape recorders down the line and record 'audiobooks' for the blind, or children's stories for kids to be able to listen to before bed.

[b][i]make your girlfriend mad tight, [color=#4A272E]might seduce your dad type
[align=center][div style="width:500px;text-align:justify;line-height:100%;"]Track
Username: videnda
Activity/Muse: 8/10 & 9/10
Character Name: evan cavey
Short Character Blurb: evan is a workaholic. she works herself to the point of exhaustion and will forget to take care of herself in her quest to help others. she is very tired because of this, but she's doing her best. she is very forgiving and doesn't believe in good or bad people, only good or bad decisions however if you step over a line and make her snap, youre never coming back over.
Ideas/Plans You Have:
- with the electricity plot, evan would get involved. she'd be peaceful about it at first and if that didn't work she'd definitely use conflict.  but i'm thinking that flintlock would eventually decide that they aren't interested in electricity  as it's making them make bad choices and put themselves in the line of danger so they'd back down
- evan is very dedicated to those around her and will work almost tirelessly to ensure that they are comfortable. so she'd definitely kick flintlock into its own progressive reformation and i'd try to return it to the johannes-era glory that it once was.
- dogs; they seem to have been forgotten so i'd definitely make sure that they were reintegrated into the culture
- relations with other groups; evan wants everyone to be friends but she understands that that isn't possible. she decides that the only way to remain safe is to assert flintlock over the rest of the groups, reaching out and seeing how relations are and reacting from there. i'm very interested in conflict with badlands
- reform; so flintlock has had a lot of leaders and they all seem to have tried to change flintlock so i'd like to try and make it more steady and familiar. definitely amp up the found family vibes and use the traditions to make it cozy
- traditions; speaking of traditions, they have a whole list in there and i don't know how often they're used. i'd definitely implement them as events and try to bring flintlock to a golden age renaissance of traditions and home.
- lessons; if there's interest, evan would set up a schooling system for younger members and older members who are interested in learning. it would teach reading and writing along with defense, basic botany (so people know what's edible and what's poisonous), animal care, and basic survival needs. possible instating a trainee system as well for younger and newer members to learn about the culture
- ranks; they're all empty and i don't remember a time when they've all been filled so i'd focus on changing them to something simple and filling them with members who would also have plenty of ideas on reform
- famlock; evan is very family oriented and would make flintlock a safe place. an open joining policy would be instated and she would allow members to accept joiners in as long as they were not someone who posed a threat.
- weapons; there wouldn't be any restrictions until you violated trust. if you don't give anyone a reason to be scared of you having a weapon you can have one.
- holidays & events; there'd be at least one event during each month, either internally or with other groups. this would include celebrating real life holidays, perhaps some of the groups own, interactions with other groups whether those be positive or negative, or dramatic plots which i have plenty of ideas for.
- alliances; the first thing evan would do is meet up with each of the other groups leaders to see how they stand. the badlands seems to be trying to reform themselves and she'd definitely give them a chance. she cares a lot about foreign affairs and political intrigue. she would also investigate any of the smaller groups that reside in the backboards.
- electricity; with the return of it, flintlock would become a sanctuary from it. electricity brings nothing but trouble and i personally feel it ruins the entire atmosphere of tnw so flintlock would be a sanctuary from it. plus electricity doesn't fit in with their whole isolationist neutralism.
- basically the main point is to make flintlock a culture hub. it'd be homy and stable and a calm place up in the mountains where they try their best to maintain peace and order

---yeah we all still die
what will you leave behind ?

and i see fire, blood in the breeze
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 355px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 125%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"]Hello all! Thanks to all that have applied thus far. Staff has decided that applications will be closing at midnight, December 27th. Anyone who is interested in applying should do so before then. After that, voting will take place from December 27th to January 3rd. However, until there are enough people trying out, Northstar District applications will remain open after Badlands and Flintlock voting begins. If you have any questions please direct them to any staff member.

when this r e p e t i t i o n ends behind the window shades, a semi-conscious sorrow sleeping in the bed I've made  —— that most unrestful bed, that most original of sins, and you'll say that's what I get when I let ambition win again. I'd hate to let you [sub]down,[/sub] so I'll let the waters [sup]rise[/sup] and drown my dull reflection in the naïve expectation in your eyes. back in a cast bit-part, back when I felt most free, I had a butcher's / heart and no-one thought they knew me         .        .        .        .        .         .          [ ★ ]

sounds good! good luck everyone <3
[div style="width: 460px; margin: auto; text-align: justify"]TRYING OUT FOR BADLANDS
Username: Pyre, displays as Bryne
Activity/Muse: 7 or 8 out of 10 for both
Character Name: Catalyst
Short Character Blurb: Catalyst was born as the apocalypse begun, and that coupled with certain other events (notably being the center of a cult) led to them styling themself as the herald of the apocalypse. They're well aware that this isn't true, of course, but they enjoy entertaining the notion nonetheless. Largely because of this persona they've put on, they've been a pariah just about everywhere they went. They hoped it might be different in the Badlands, though for a few weeks they were imprisoned. Still, whatever optimism that exists in Cat is hoping that they could finally have a home and community.
Ideas/Plans You Have: I'm still working on ideas but here's what I've got so far
— A twisted "honor" system is put in place. I'm still working on all the different aspects of it, but a big one would be that Badlanders can't just attack each other. They can still fight, but a challenge must be issued and accepted so that it's "fair", though they take no issue with and even encourage dirty fighting. Example but spoilers for Goblet of Fire.
— Capitalizing on the apocalypse. Everything is scarce now: weapons, food, clothes, other supplies and even people. Cat wants to hoard all the resources and take them from the rest of the world, and make it generally unsafe for anyone that isn't in the Badlands (forcing them to join if they want to survive).
— Marking Badlanders with either a bandanna or brand or charm so that Badlanders can all recognize each other and know who is and isn't safe. Possibly two-tiered (maybe even three); people that have proven their loyalty might get the brand in addition to something more visible, but people that haven't would be considered on thin ice and whatever token they get would be easy enough to remove. If it was three tiered, with those that have yet to prove their loyalty getting a necklace, those that had getting a bandanna but not willing to mark their bodies permanently, and then at the top those that were. The branded would be considered elite Badlanders and the most honorable (w the honor system) of all.
— With Catalyst's backstory being what it is, they would not be keen on electricity being restored and would be more likely to sabotage its return under the guise of getting it for the Badlands. That's just Catalyst and their goals though, and depending on the plots I could just as easily see them deciding that them controlling who has and doesn't have electricity could be far more important to them than ruining it for everyone.
— If people would be interested in it, rank reform and potentially a title system to go with the honor system.

I wanna be your happiness I wanna be your common sense pain Wrap your head in a [glow=#684460,2,300]picket fence[/glow] Rebuild after the hurricane [abbr=this user is trailhead's miss american pye — aporia has tip toed in here, peed on all your things, and then deathdropped through the floor into hell — you've been poked by fangs — crows cleaned up apoira's pee and threw chocolate at you — joey baked you yummy cookies — firebird is definitely building a nest here — you have been bitten by a wild eskie (but w love though) — skullcrow has built u a pillow fort — vid sat on your head for about ten seconds before flying away — rev loves you — hoot hoot — you are my wife / you're my wife / boogie woogie woogie — hoot tried making a nest but got burnt zoinks — darwin gave you a kees — joey loves you <3]![/abbr]
withdrawing due to sudden lack of muse.

and i see fire, blood in the breeze
NORTHSTAR (but will be keeping her in flintlock for now)
Username: Cas
Activity/Muse: 8.5/10, but my activity schedule is super wonky rn. I'll try and be online at least anywhere from every day to 3 times a week but I'm not sure right now.
Character Name: Shiloh
Short Character Blurb: She's 16, Possibly has Aspergers but I haven't decided yet. Just wanna clarify that her personality isn't just having ASD!! A lot of these traits will be relevant when I'm Rping her but I won't be constantly mentioning "oh she acts this way because she has ASD". I wanna clarify this out of fear of offending anyone and if my portrayal ever seems inaccurate please let me know! I'm open to changing up her character.Is obsessed with any sort of technology and electricity. Extremely blunt, loyal, dedicated. Doesn't really know how to relax around people, has only trusted her parents and theyre dead now so that's created a bit of trauma. Once she's relaxed she can be a bit hyper and easily excitable. Extremely naive, can sometimes be neutral on moral topics. Get's over attatched to certain things and people.
Ideas/Plans You Have:

Inventing contests! (Like who can invent the coolest thing, or who can take something and reinvent it to make it be cooler.)

Science fairs

Karaoke contests

Baking contests is just an excuse for her to learn how to bake and see how others do it

Snowman making, maybe gardening

A buddy system! She wants everyone to be included in the group and for the new members to have a more experienced member to show them around.
Other group bonding activities because!! Honestly as soon as she gets attatched to a group she'll want them to be like a big happy family
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