today in photography class my friend askd the teacher if she wanted to hear a song that i showed her and my friend typed in save rock and roll and went to play the video and as it was starting my teacher asked me if this was the band pete wentz was in
1) that teacher is an asshole ?? i hate teachers like that, i have/had a few
2) if he gets legit mad at you, fuck him ?? it's not your fault ??
3) Iconic

[align=center][div style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; letter-spacing: 0.5px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt;"]will probs be kinda slow to reply  ⸺  [ dump ]
like,, i like him as a teacher he's super funny and everything it's just sometime he isn't the best teacher
and luckily he isn't mad!! he's joking around with me about it, he never really gets mad at me for things?? which is surprising honestly because i do some stupid shit that my brothers would've probably gotten in trouble for
my art teacher is amazing, i honestly love her so much
[Image: tumblr_p2pscbCMSF1wx1a4ho1_1280.jpg]
oof i love

[size=3][b] [color=#979080]✦ STOP THE WORLD CAUSE I WANNA GET OFF WITH YOU
[size=1]she/her [color=#979080]✦ hub thingyhere i love ya[align=center]
[spoiler= ・゚✦ love!]pyre patted this person
you are my bro-in-law
you're my bro-in-law
boogie woogie woogie
hoot basked in the sunlight
joey loves you <3[/spoiler]
i love them

[Image: tumblr_op763dxBFK1qjkqsao1_500.png]
[Image: tumblr_p2cp15fWEC1s29g3jo1_1280.jpg]
he has better shoes than i do

[size=3][b] [color=#979080]✦ STOP THE WORLD CAUSE I WANNA GET OFF WITH YOU
[size=1]she/her [color=#979080]✦ hub thingyhere i love ya[align=center]
[spoiler= ・゚✦ love!]pyre patted this person
you are my bro-in-law
you're my bro-in-law
boogie woogie woogie
hoot basked in the sunlight
joey loves you <3[/spoiler]
honestly me too
he's a stylish kid
i wanna make a keanu reeves character who has some foster or adopted kids and is also a therapist and always goes "you wanna talk about it" whenever one of his foster kids is having a small inconvenience but he also makes a lot of dad jokes and embarrass them
[size=25pt][b]oh my goodness gracious please

[align=center][div style="margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; letter-spacing: 0.5px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt;"]will probs be kinda slow to reply  ⸺  [ dump ]
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