just take your time and decide who you have more muse for! I know I have way too many characters, I wish I could roleplay Talisman a bit more but I can't think of any cool plots for him or the stea bastion :/

goSH GUYSSSSS I'm getting a Nintendo Switch in a few hours!! I'm so excited, aaaa

edit; on the other hand I have so many damn character ideas but I just want to put all of them in shadowclan help

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meeting thread will be put up tomorrow!

[spoiler=staff <33]tiddy - crows
me, an intellectual: breast - skullcrow
yo but linkin park defined the alternative music genre - aporia[/spoiler]
​me: i can totally juggle school, rehearsals, prepping for germany, and roleplay!
me now: sobbing into a can of pepsi because everything is sore and i can't even work on projects and i leave for germany in a week and show opens in three days and im on the makeup crew and in the cast

sorry anyways im just juggling so much up until friday, and i'll be travelling friday/saturday BUT i have a really long layover so i can get on then i think Smile i actually think once im in germany ill have more time

[align=left][b]DADDY'S LITTLE PSYCHO.
[align=right]cyrus cipher disharmony + shadowclan + warrior
hey, sorry for my little bit of inactivity, I'm getting addicted to Breath of the Wild...

And [member=578]cyrus[/member]/ [member=577]timm[/member] good luck, try not to push yourself so hard <3 I'd recommend putting off the Myrus litter adoptions until you've got time btw

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[align=center][Image: tumblr_inline_nqezj49k6s1qi7awk_500.gif]
don't worry about it, [member=577]timm[/member] !! it's all good, man!

and [member=62]checkers[/member]  it's fine, i understand!

[spoiler=staff <33]tiddy - crows
me, an intellectual: breast - skullcrow
yo but linkin park defined the alternative music genre - aporia[/spoiler]
I just got an idea for some graphics but I'll have to find brushes to make them

also it's 3:30am woo
me and my mum went to our closest city for an event called 'white night', they put projections on historical buildings and set up fibre optic/neon light shows!! was super cool but the crowd set off my anxiety :(

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[align=center][Image: tumblr_inline_nqezj49k6s1qi7awk_500.gif]
Fuuuckkkk I have a masquerade dance tonight and my allergies are giving me hell. #prayforreedy

The funny thing is is that there is basically no dress code (other than no boobs and ass out) so girls are using it to their advantage and plan to show up all sexy and the dance is held in a church and this is a very Christian town. I'm among the only atheists there.

It's supposed to be just for highschoolers but so many kids just sneak in regardless. All you gotta do is just pay the 10$ and you're in. I mean technically I am a highschool student but just not a public highschool student.

[member=577]timm[/member] don't worry about anything <33 while you're away in Germany I can take care of the adoption or we can put it off for awhile.
at least it sounds super cool, [member=472]Miles U.[/member]!! and do you have anything you can take for your allergies?

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[align=center][Image: tumblr_inline_nqezj49k6s1qi7awk_500.gif]
Thank ya Big Grin

Yee I do. One of those allergy meds you see that come in those bubble packs. I'd take something stronger but that'd knock me out. I'm gonna try to take a nice shower because the steam in that helps me when I feel like this. I'm pretty sure I'll be okay by the dance <33

Im open for some suggestions if anyone has any :3
yup, the evaporation is good for you! helps clean the lungs :>

also holy shit it's 5:30 i need to sleep too much zelda help

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