did u get my PM lmao
btw is it okay if i used your ff siggies for here? i've already figured out how to make it work on bb! ^^
[align=center] ★ ( gimingaw ko nimo )
[div style="font-size:11px; color:black"]weeb + hopeless + fangs blessed u
[member=24]trailhead[/member] my template was one of aporia's that i just edited
[member=81]deer[/member] please oml
i can already see keilani somehow amassing large amounts of "children" so in like a month she'll realize she has like seventy kids and just,, "dude what hte FuKc"
[member=26]jennifer[/member] make a dood and put him in thunderclan just a suggestion
[align=center] oh, what a time to be alive! — hub
[member=111]KEITH.[/member] Hey that's why I did it
Also I found hella cute art of them with flower crowns its beautiful I'm gonna change lance's icon to it once I'm on a laptop
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; bordercolor=transparent; text-align: center; font-size: 7.5pt; color: #383737; line-height: 125%; font-family: times new roman; letter-spacing: 2px;"][ new account: venus. ★
pronouns: she/her
Anyone want plots with Leo?
[member=38]Kau[/member] yess ofc u can!!
[member=24]trailhead[/member] this is the one I coded for badlands!
Code: [align=center][div style="width: 480px; min-height: 670px; background-color: #fff; padding-top: 14px; color:#8d6060"][img height=100]http://i.imgur.com/LzAopP7.gif[/img] [img height=100]http://i.imgur.com/9C0HuyI.jpg[/img] [img height=100]http://i.imgur.com/Mkt7UVq.jpg[/img] [img height=100]http://i.imgur.com/dN3ydUi.gif[/img]
[gfont=Bungee Shade][size=36]THE BADLANDS[/size][/gfont]
[div style="background:white; border: none; width: 420px; height: 460px; margin-left: -5px; margin-top: 0px; padding: 10px; overflow: hidden"][div style="background:white; border: none; width: 420px; height: 460px; padding: 0px; padding-right: 27px; overflow: auto"][div style="background:white; border: none; width: 420px; min-height: 460px; padding: 0px; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify; color: black; font-family: arial"]
[color=maroon][b]THE BADLANDS[/b][/color] are made up of animals. it's a dog eat dog world- and the people who live there don't even have their humanity. their government is in shambles- whoever kills or overthrows the top dog becomes the new leader. in a beautiful city lays disgusting secrets and rooms, where blood stains are common on carpets. you're either exiled or born into it, and it's hard to get out. they're fearless and headstrong, known for raiding civilizations and killing groups of people to get what they want. they'll do anything to survive and beat each other at it.
[color=maroon][b]BADLANDS TERRITORY [/b][/color]
The Badlands, ironically, has some of the nicest territory--on the outside. A large city that’s been largely left alone, there are houses, there are storefronts--and most noticeably, there’s a mansion, where the Top Dog has made their home. However, this city is not the metropolitan utopia it might appear. Travelling unaccompanied easily means death, or worse. Buildings are fortified with planks, and whatever can be found. Those with power are always prepared to drive that power through someone’s skull, just to prove, once again--that they’re on the top. The mansion is where their leader lives, and it’s not a place you want to be unless you’re one of the leader’s goons. Tip: Find a place you can defend, and defend it.
[color=maroon][b]BADLANDS FOREIGN RELATIONS[/b][/color]
These guys don’t like newcomers--they’re either threats, or they’re prey to play with. They have no diplomacy. The only people who enter the Badlands are those exiled for crimes against the other groups, or else they’re loners who’ve been unlucky enough to stumble on the place. If people escape the Badlands and make it to St. Peter’s, they won’t turn them away--but always there is a watchful eye.
[color=maroon][b]BADLANDS RANKS[/b][/color]
[b]Top Dog [/b]
The Top Dog does what they want, when they want. They’re powerful enough to have gotten the loyalty of a few other strong people, and essentially use that to fortify themselves in the mansion and terrorize the rest of the group to help keep in power.
Blake [i]played by[/i] fangs
The Bouncers are those who the Top Dog selects--they get to live in the Mansion as well, and stick together, thus being a terrifying group to stay away from. They often take it upon themselves to beat sense into newcomers and deal with any rebellions.
_____ [i]played by[/i] _____
These are the general population--those who are strong enough or wily enough to survive, but not enough to take any power. They obey the higher-ups, and are enlisted if there’s physical labor to be done. Rebellions occasionally arise here, if a small group thinks they can challenge the current leaders. Sometimes Grunts are chosen and groomed for Bouncer, if they show enough of a threat and aren’t just killed.
_____ [i]played by[/i] _____
These are a small group of the small and ‘weak’--those who aren’t physically strong or dangerous. Children, families, the old and the sick. They are not a common sight, as they mostly keep to the shadows in small groups, doing everything possible to stay out of sight of the Grunts, who would love to beat on someone beneath them. Often the only thing keeping them in the badlands is the fear that they’ll die trying to make it to another group.
Occasionally, someone--a grunt or a bouncer--will attempt to take down the Top Dog. Often this is done one-on-one, as the bouncers rarely have a problem with the leader changing hands if the new leader is actually stronger. In these cases, the loser is dubbed a ‘worm’. The lowest of the low, they may be killed, but sometimes they survive, and are considered to be an utter weakling, fair game for anyone to torment, and beneath human standards.
[color=maroon][b]BADLANDS LAWS[/b][/color]
The laws of the badlands are not listed out in a code, per se--but there are some unwritten laws.
1. Do not attack a bouncer--you will be killed.
2. Obey the bouncers and the top dog, if you want to survive.
3. If you are dangerous, you will either be killed or picked to be a bouncer--it’s up to you which of those is the case.
4. Never talk about the bouncers and the top dog behind their back.
5. Disagreeing with the top dog publicly will get you thrown down to a worm.
5. Do not argue with the top dog. Ever.
credit for this guide goes to junker and fangs. font used is [url=https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Bungee+Shade]this.[/url][/align]
[member=8]junker[/member] u know I am :^)
mari-baka is innocentishâ„¢
she left something on her profile, i'll go check it.
she has a discord, do you?
i don't, but i can contact the four i have the email addresses of.
[align=center] [b]★. 何度目の気持ちだろう, ここにある温もりは ★
[member=8]junker[/member] hey bby
[color=transparent] [member=95]Daddy[/member]
[B][I]the twit's back in black
[member=121]LANCE MCLAIN.[/member] omg im crying
[member=24]trailhead[/member] he's gonna be in shadowclan!
,,,,,, YES I KNOW