we're living in a den of thieves [private]
[Image: WqJ0Xxl.png]
[Image: yRkfzpG.png]
Cosmo couldn't recall the last time he'd been warm, or happy, or felt any emotion really. He vaguely recalled the times from before; the sight of an autumn-haired, fiery and brilliant woman he called Mom. The equally brilliant and kind person he also called Mom.

He missed them more then he could handle sometimes, but he tried not to let it get to him. He had other things to worry about; presently, his diet. He was out of food, and he wasn't a great hunter. He spent most of his time foraging, using the skills he'd picked up as an herbal healer to use.

Today he'd found a wild blackberry bush; as tall as a fucking house, clinging to the trees around it and raising its foliage to the sky. If unchecked, they could get massive; a home for plenty of small creatures who ate the berries the bush produced, and didn't mind the thorns.

He set immediately to picking the ripe berries and gathering them up in an old, dented pot he'd found in an abandoned house a few weeks ago. It was useless for cooking, but great for holding shit.

As for his appearance, well, he was a pretty recognizable face; freckles covered his tanned, childish face. His cheeks were slightly sunken in and pronounced from malnutrition. He had fiery ginger hair just like one of his Moms, with streaks of silver and white from stress.

He had bright blue eyes, a stark contrast to his roughly-cut ginger hair. He was lanky and thin, and stood at a measly 5'2; not exactly as gigantic as many of the other people who inhabited the wrecked planet.

He was sixteen years old roughly; he might be older, considering it'd been a while since he actively cared about his age. He was on his own, and that was all that mattered.

[align=center][div style="overflow: hidden; font-size: 12pt; color: #646464; font-family: georgia"]I need to save you, but who's going to save me?
[abbr=n/a]characters[/abbr] ++ [abbr=darky is the best little sib - pyre; tiddy - crows; how bad can i be - zodiac; #swiggity swooty I tolerate Hooty]staff ;p[/abbr]
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