on the run ✦ // henry's character study
twist my words and set them to flame


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

AGE three years SEX male GENDER masculine SPECIES silken windhound ABILITIES none

His birth name, in which he still carries to this day, is Henry. The origins of his name rest in Germany and his name seems to have a long pedigree of being a royal one. The meaning of his name is "estate ruler"; however, that doesn't seem to apply to him. He has no alias, pet names, or titles to speak of at the moment. Henry is of the male gender and goes by masculine (he/him) pronouns. From the looks of him, he appears a bit younger than his actual age but he seems to act his age for the most part. His actual age happens to be thirty-six moons/months or three years. His birth date is May thirteenth. He was born somewhere up in North America and partly carries the stereotypical northern accent in which is laced with a hint of something implacable. Henry's specific species is Canis lupus familiaris or, simply, dog. His dog breed is a Silken Windhound. Lastly, he does not carry any abilities.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

# OF BODIES two, domestic long-haired cat & silken windhound CURRENT BODY silken windhound

BASIC INFORMATION // Henry is not capable of shape-shifting. This simply means that he cannot change bodies at will, nor can he determine which body he will be in next. The only method he obtains of "switching" bodies would be through death. When he dies, he will reincarnate immediately inside of a particular shed that seems to teleport to new locations upon Henry's passing - it is unknown how it does this. What body he reincarnates in is completely random, determined by chance or fate. However, he does seem to have the tendency to return to old bodies of which will be in some form of remotely "healthy" state that would've come to place if they formerly had the opportunity to heal as much as possible. His physical health shifts between reincarnations, often dramatically and without prediction of it being injured or not. His injured status is not determined by his amount of scars or possible permanent limps; it is determined by broken bones, open or internal wounds, infection, and poisoning. However, it isn't just measured by large scale maladies, it can also be determined by issues as minute as one body having a different metabolism than the next. Some bodies may be struck with permanent ailment(s) such as limps, twitches, shakes, blinded eyes, missing appendages, life-long diseases, and even mental illnesses. The only thing that remains stagnant among almost all of his bodies is his eye color.

FIRST BODY // Unnamed.
His first body was that of a domestic long-haired cat of which he associates with his first mistakes of being in this realm. This body in particular is just noticeably overweight due to a slowed metabolism that originates from a long period of starvation. This body has long, dark brown fur, black paw pads and nose, and olive green eyes. Other than his weight, there is one other thing that is usually what is noticed first - his scars. Henry has two huge scars spanning over his cranium. The longest begins just to the right of his left eye, and stretches vertically (though almost horizontally) to his forehead before sharply curving backward and extending towards and alongside of his left ear. The second begins on the bridge of his nose and takes a similar path as the first, but stops around when the first makes a sharp curve. Smaller scars are visible around the two main ones, scattered across his forehead. Two particularly small scars rest beneath his right eye; a large, vaguely star-shaped scar is quite noticeable on his right temple. More scars of varying lengths and widths slope along the length of his back and a particular lot swarm his shoulder blades. There are a few scars on the front of the foreleg areas of his front legs. All of the scars on this body are pink in coloration, signifying that they are recent - at least for the body itself. The scars that he obtains at the moment all originate from events that took place upon his first death.

SECOND BODY // Utilizes real name.
This form stands at 18 in and weighs in at 22 lbs. The breed of dog that Henry inhabits in this form obtains a lean, slick, streamlined frame - everything about it reads that it was built for speed. His midsection is fairly thin, his legs are long, and he obtains an elongated snout. True to his breed, he can run fast, but only in short bursts. However, due to the fact that he hasn't exercised, he has been rendered unfit for long-term sprinting (and he will remain incapable until he acts towards the benefit of his physical health). Henry's fur is long and wavy, but it is apparent that it is not often well maintained as it is often scraggly looking. Despite his pelt's messy appearance, it is still moderately soft to the touch. His upper body mostly consists of a mixture of light and dark browns. Midway down his body, the color suddenly converts to white. Beyond his thick fur he doesn't obtain much muscle, which will become quickly evident to his opponents. However, what he lacks in muscles could hold the potential for excellent maneuvering and evasiveness. His eyes are a light olive green; his nose, nails, and paw pads are black.

ATTIRE // As for attire, his forms usually wear saddlebags that have been fitted to their size; they are brown in coloration with yellow buckles and buttons. As for what's inside the saddlebags, the right one holds camera rolls (both used and unused) while the the left one holds an old camera with his name painted in white on the bottom. The letters of his name look to be somewhat faded and chipped.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

FIRST BODY // His first form can generally be considered healthy without taking their number of scars into consideration. The only thing that might be concerning about this form of his is its weight. As for hygiene, his fur is surprisingly not matted and is glossy in appearance. He smells of the mountains in this form.
SECOND BODY // The health of this body is excellent despite its thin appearance. What would put this body in an even better condition would be if Henry got out and exercised more. His fur is scraggly and lacks brushing; it also sticks out all across his form. He seems to not pay very much mind to the fur of this body. As for his scent, he currently smells of Riverclan.

MEDICATION // Henry carries no medicine at this time.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

Upon first meeting him, it becomes painfully evident that Henry is extremely cautious of strangers and those he does not know. Those coming into contact with him for the first time often find him to be high-strung and evasive. He keeps his eyes locked on those he is unfamiliar with, watching their every movement and flinching or jumping up when too fast of motion is made. It is from this that one can easily assume that Henry can be one to "jump the gun" and act out of instinct or what he feels may happen, which is true. Often, it is incredibly difficult to break through this fearful and wary shell of his, one of which was ingrained into him during a series of unfortunate events involving death and fights with grotesque monsters in enclosed spaces. Due to his experiences in the dilapidated studio, he tries to predict the outcome of an action he may take, as well as the actions of others, and for anyway to slip past it even if only by the skin of his teeth. Henry is definitely one to plan ahead for nearly every situation that he can think of.

Henry can have a rather analytical approach towards strangers. His first impression of others comes from their appearances for he will study every little detail of their physique. However, this does not mean that he derives characteristics of their personality from their appearance. As a matter of fact, his tendency to analyze the aspects of those he has never met is simply done out of habit. It originates in a want to be aware of any and all weaknesses of his possible opponent(s) if he were to be pressured into a fight with them. It is also to get a vague idea of whether or not he should just attempt to run from them if they go to attack him. The cautious and analytical manner in which he first presents himself to others often leads them to believe that he is unfriendly, when he is actually quite the opposite. Once one has proven to him that they can be trusted enough not to attack him, he can make and carry on friendly conversations with them. However, just because one has proven that they will not assault him and will speak with him on pleasant terms at the moment does not mean that he will immediately fully trust the person on any level. Those who continue to be friendly towards him will find that he can be especially amiable.

In tense situations, Henry can appear to remain decently at ease as long as he feels that he is in control. The moment he doesn't feel in control, however, is the moment that he begins to panic. He is still a bit skittish and paranoid due to trauma from past events. This causes him to randomly glance over his shoulder out of nervous habit and be freaked out by small, enclosed spaces unless he knows he can easily escape from said space. It is due to his fear of small, enclosed spaces that he often likes to keep doors and windows open as often as possible. Even though he can come off as being incredibly jumpy and fearful, Henry isn't freaked out by much when it comes to the outlandish appears that some creatures may have; but that is not to say that he can't be surprised by them. In order for true terror to be sparked within him simply by the sight of another would be if said person or creature posed itself as a threat towards him or someone he is close to. In the event that a person or persons do reveal themselves to be a threat, Henry (if he had been given the opportunity to) will have already made the decision as to whether or not he needs to fight or run. If he is on his own then he will, more often than not, turn to sprint away if he is physically capable or if he has not been cornered. However, if he is with someone he cares about who is currently unable to run for whatever reason or will not run, then he will stand and fight for as long as he can. However, this "as long as he can" can and will rapidly become "to the death" if the need arrives. It can be rightly assumed from the former situation (the one in which he was alone) that Henry is one who dislikes confrontation, so much so that he likes to keep the peace - or, at least, make his best attempt to do so. This want to keep the peace reaches further than just physical fights, but also verbal for - in either case - he may attempt to persuade the other(s) towards peace or equal ground.

Henry can become more easily startled when placed in unfamiliar situations or by simply having a change of scenery. He isn't very adaptable to new environments; thus, he can easily be thrown off balance when placed in an area he hasn't been in before. It might be worth noting that, in unfamiliar environments or situations, he also tends to not act like himself - he often becomes much more fickle and scatter-brained. However, the presence of those he trusts can aid him in settling in more quickly.

Despite how much of a nervous wreck he is, Henry will often attempt to conceal his true feelings as to not stress out those around him or those who are close to him. He tries his best to put on a calm aura around others and, when others become nervous or fearful around him, he will often joke and be a bit witty as a means of calming them down. Even though Henry is a pessimist at best, he will makes attempts to keep the everyone calm by acting optimistic. He will go on smiling and shrugging things off until he reaches his breaking point. However, even before then, Henry is surprisingly easy to read and appears to unintentionally "wear his emotions on his sleeve" for his eyes and nervous habits always betray him. As his emotions grow in intensity, he will - of course - have an even greater manner of difficulty concealing how he actually feels. Moreover, no matter how evident his emotions become, he will ceaselessly deny having felt them. If he is pushed to reveal how he is currently feeling, he will either become agitated and continue to withhold how he feels or give in depending on who is demanding it of him.

Henry can be one to attempt to be open-minded to new ideas and listen to others opinions. Yet, if it is an opinion that he does not agree with, he can tend to show disinterest in their argument unless they begin to convince him to sway their way. Often, attempts to sway him their way end in him trying to leave the conversation for he knows that the only one direction the conversation can go - an argument. He heavily dislikes confrontation, which is the reasoning behind why he attempts to make an exit in most cases. However, if he does end up in an debate, the intense level of faith he puts into his opinions and beliefs shows through, as well as his tendency to be a stubborn bull, expressing great unwillingness to abandon his opinion even as he is proved wrong. Whether or not he wins the argument doesn't matter for he never stays in it for long and leaves in a bitter or agitated mood once it's all said and done.

Henry is no doubt a hard worker and has the tendency to take initiate when he feels it is necessary or appropriate to do so. He can be one to put his own needs aside until the job gets done. When he receives a job, he gets right down to business and makes sure to finish it as soon as possible without sacrificing any of the quality of what he is doing. He is absolutely one to follow plans all the way through, which is a redeeming and valued quality. However, it has its drawbacks. As mentioned previously, he will neglect his needs in order to get a job done, which can become increasingly troublesome when others shift their projects onto him. He often needs to be reminded to take care of himself.

Upon getting to know Henry as a friend, they will find that he can easily become more relaxed and even whimsical when around them. He like to engage in social interactions with friends for it is the only time that he can usually find to relax. He increasingly enjoys partaking in all sorts of fun activities with them, even if it is something as little as a card game or going for a walk. Henry is one to love giving gifts to his friends, no matter how small and especially if he made them himself. As a result, he can often be found making meals for those close to him. On another note, he is quick to forgive loved ones but slow to forgive those he does not know very well. He also puts a lot of trust in those that he is close to. As a matter of fact, Henry is one who will be more willing to attempt to mend any lost trust depending on what that person did to betray it. In addition, he may give some people more chances than others. However, this will still only go so far and, eventually, he will be finished dealing with the person. When it comes to physical contact, it depends on who its coming from and what sort of physical contact it is. If it is received from someone he is close to and it isn't sensual, he'll be completely fine with it. However, if it is coming from someone of which he doesn't know or dislikes on any remote level, then he isn't going to appreciate it very much. In a relationship, Henry is an exuberant lover with a heart of gold. He showers his partner with attention and love, and can be especially playful around them.

Henry can become a bit of a complicated character when it comes to telling the truth. Often, he does not withhold his opinions and tries to be as honest as he can with those near and dear to him. However, in the event that he believes telling the truth may bring harm to a friend or loved one in way one or another, he will have the tendency to withhold it and draw up lies. As one can expect, this often hurts more than it does not, especially when light is shed on the fact that he had not told the truth.

Henry is intuitive and relies heavily on his gut when going about many situations and the feel he gets of people. He is also quite watchful of others, analyzing the slightest gesture and listening for the smallest change of tone or any underlying meanings behind what others are saying. It can be said that he doesn't miss a detail. He is no mind-reader, but when it comes to those he knows well, he can read them surprisingly well. It can be said that remains especially watchful of those dear to him, and if they show the ever-so-slightest hint that something may be off, he becomes evidently concerned for them right away. He will obviously ask what is going on with them, but if they repeatedly deny anything being wrong or refuse to tell him, he will go about caring for them and paying special attention to them nevertheless. Moreover, due to his love and skill with cooking, his first duty to an upset friend is to make them a good meal to get them back on their feet or to simply help them to feeling better.

PHOBIAS // Currently, Henry is deathly afraid of everything from his past and dreads the thought of any of it coming back to haunt him.
MANIAS // Henry currently does not withhold any sort of mania's.

HOBBIES // His strongest hobby is drawing and the second being movie watching. Despite how he may be perceived, he doesn't read very often. The reason for this is due to him appearing to have trouble focusing on any book.
TALENTS & SKILLS // The only talent of his that appears to show is his ability to draw. He has no knowledge of awareness of all the skills that he'll need to survive in the world that he lives in presently (ex: hunting and fighting).

HABITS // Among his habits, a few in particular take place when he attempts to lie. When Henry lies, he will avoid eye contact and appear nervous. Sometimes he will shift his feet around if he is having trouble coming up a lie or is making it up as he goes. When he is nervous he has the tendency to chew on the inside of cheek.

MANNERISMS & DEMEANOR // Henry's gate, if his form permits it, consists of taking long strides. This usually causes him to appear as if he is always in a hurry to be somewhere. When he is nervous, his gate becomes a little more awkward and stiff. As for his posture, if his form permits it, he will often slouch. Henry often has a nervous aura about him and it is quite evident in his body language. He is stiff, shifting his legs around or rubbing his toes together. His ears are usually swiveling around and, no matter what he is doing, he will be glancing around and looking over his shoulder. It is due to this behavior that he can sometimes be viewed as "shifty". Around friend groups he can be quite a bit calmer. In a conversation, he can hardly hold eye contact with those he does not know, even preferring to avoid eye contact entirely.

COMMON FIRST FORM GESTURES // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.
COMMON SECOND FORM GESTURES // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

ALLIANCE(S) // His current alignment is with the Stea Bastion.
RANK // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo.
PREVIOUS AFFILIATIONS // His previous alliance was with Riverclan.

CURRENT ABODE // Technically, one of his current abodes is the shed that he reincarnates in every time he dies. On the outside, there is nothing about the shed that sticks out or significantly separates it from other sheds that you could happen upon. Its walls have white panels that seem to have been reduced to off-white from weathering. If the shed is in an area that supports lots of flora and it is spring or summer, vines can be seen growing along a good portion of the walls. However, these vines dry up in fall and are reduced to nothing more than wilted, brown stems by the time winter arrives. The section where the walls meet the ground have smears of mud on them, which may be more frozen, wetter, or dried up depending on the location and climate in which the shed is currently in, as well as moss if the climate supports them. Worn and chipped grey shingles can be found on the roof of the shed and the paint on the shed's door has since been worn away to reveal old, grey wood riddled with holes that never seem to travel all the way through. The doorknob on either side of the door is missing, leaving a hole where each once sat. The door swings outwardly, towards the outside world, and its rusted hinges screech awfully whenever the door moves even in the slightest. Just beyond the door, directly to the right of it, is a thin, silvery string that extends all the way to the ground, a portion of it resting on the wood paneling inside the shed. When pulled, the lights on the ceiling (similar) flood the shed with an eerie yellow glow - whatever source of energy that is powering them is unknown. When the lights are switched on, the many decorations within are revealed. The inside of the shed isn't all that large, but that hasn't stopped whoever once lived within from stuffing it with belongings and possessions of great variety. On the right-hand wall, three shelves have been meticulously attached. The shelves themselves haven't been completely filled, but what sits atop them consists of books, little jars of ink, plushies, and a couple cans of bacon soup. On the floor beneath the shelves are several boxes overflowing with files of concept art - one box of which has a vintage recording device with a tape in it hidden underneath the files - and buckets of ink. In the back, left-hand corner of the shed, is a desk and chair in which the floor and walls around it are nearly completely covered in papers of concept art. On the wall to the left of the desk is a cutout of a cartoon character known as "Bendy," and behind it is a hidden panel that, when slid to the side, reveals an old dumbwaiter that has two ropes slid through the top and bottom of it that act as a pulley system. The dumbwaiter can be used to transport one smaller sized animal down to the hidden basement area beneath the shed. There are several miscellaneous items that can be found in the shed as well, such as wrenches, a "gent" pipe, and a woodcutting axe.
PREVIOUS RESIDENCES // A small den in Riverclan that he was never comfortable sleeping in.

MORNING ROUTINE // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.
DAILY ROUTINE // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.
EVENING ROUTINE // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.

RELIGION // He currently practices in no religions.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

RELATIVES // None known.
CHILDREN // He currently has no children.

ORIENTATION // Biromantic greysexual.
MARITAL STATUS // He is currently in no intimate relationships and is closed off towards romantic advances.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS // He currently obtains no past relationships.
LOVE INTEREST(S) // Henry is currently not crushing on anyone.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]

ORIGINS & CHILDHOOD // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.
OTHER HISTORY // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo.
IN-GAME HISTORY // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fringilla commodo ipsum, et lacinia velit lobortis in. Integer lectus quam, malesuada vel gravida vitae, cursus a justo. Nam iaculis ornare tortor ut porttitor. Sed viverra turpis fermentum leo tristique luctus. Maecenas aliquam viverra erat ac tincidunt. Phasellus condimentum accumsan imperdiet. Phasellus pulvinar non leo bibendum sodales.

MEMORY // While Henry can be one to have an incredible memory, there are some faults that he obtains in it. When it comes to deaths, he can never remember how he died. All that he remembers is that he died. The only way he can ever recall how is if he finds someone who came across his body and had an idea of how Henry came to pass.

DEATH RECORD // Henry currently has a total of one death.

FIRST DEATH // Head injury in his domestic long-haired cat form.
- Henry's first death came from a head injury; though, it could also be offhandedly from starvation. What lead up to his death was the fact that he denied to stay at the Stea Bastion for a couple days to recoup. He wandered into the wilderness, passing up opportunities to eat due to him either not being able to hunt or not wanting to eat raw meat. As he began to starve, he couldn't find food to eat for the most part. Every time he came by a river he was either unable to find fish or couldn't catch them. In a desperate attempt to find civilization and, thus, food, he began to climb up a mountain for a better vantage point. However, his weakened body gave in as he was pulling himself over a rock and he tumbled down the mountain side. As he rolled downhill, his back and head were awfully scraped up from the rocks. He took one final roll and his head directly collided with a rock. His body was found by Olive, Zjarr, and Keith K. and was buried by Olive and Keith.


noun: ossuary; plural noun: ossuaries
[justify]a container or room into which the bones of dead people are placed.[/justify]

Origin: Latin (os / oss - bone); Late Latin (ossaurium).
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ [abbr=mono no aware, nodus tollens, merack, w.d. gaster, damian william, zacarias noctcaligo, surgeon, splendor, dimitri spire, maria fleur, henry baker, aretha dramor, mugman, iii, thirty degrees, cloverfield, & samuel lawrence]deceased characters[/abbr]
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