08-01-2017, 02:35 AM
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Swallowing, the trembling man made his way out the door, sitting down on a bench, flushed face turning to the sky as he looked for the bird. He didn't see it right now, but he began to toss bird seed in front of himself uselessly, hoping that it would see and come down at some point. After a few minutes of waiting, Cecil was surprised that the crow had indeed chosen to flutter down to land in front of him, finally deciding to pick at the seeds. [b]"Oh... Hello, crow." Cecil murmured, a small smile appearing over his tired features. He, of course, didn't get a response from the bird, but it seemed to peer up at him with its beady black eyes for a second, as if seeing if he was dangerous. After a moment, it seemed to deem him as safe, as it began to peck at the seeds, croaks vibrating in its throat as the feathers around its neck fluffed up, its tail flicking momentarily. Cecil thought it was adorable - he loved birds, always had. As a few more pure black crows fluttered down, likely to join their leader, Cecil sat back, simply watching them intently, appearing rather peaceful. "I'm not dangerous... Don't worry."
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 100px; height: 100px; background: url(https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736...-white.jpg); background-position: left; background-size:cover; color:transparent;"]a
[abbr=biography && tags in signature]cecil winters[/abbr] &― he covered up my teary eyes ,
[div style="bgcolor=; border: none; width: 375px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; color: #262626; font-family: arial; text-transform:lowercase; margin-top:0px; padding-bottom:20px; margin-top:-2px;"]Having been obsessively looking for something to do around St Peter's rather than outside where it was dangerous, he'd ended up wandering about the Costco. Eventually he'd found a bag of bird seed, and that had given him an idea; feeding the birds. He loved birds, really. He'd seen a few crows around - a specific collared crow had caught his eye. It was easily distinguishable by the white ring of feathers around its neck, and it had been hanging around the garbage, likely picking at the group's leftovers. He wanted to feed it. If he recalled, crows and ravens and the such were very intelligent... Maybe he could make friends with it. It was probably a dumb idea, but what else could he do? Swallowing, the trembling man made his way out the door, sitting down on a bench, flushed face turning to the sky as he looked for the bird. He didn't see it right now, but he began to toss bird seed in front of himself uselessly, hoping that it would see and come down at some point. After a few minutes of waiting, Cecil was surprised that the crow had indeed chosen to flutter down to land in front of him, finally deciding to pick at the seeds. [b]"Oh... Hello, crow." Cecil murmured, a small smile appearing over his tired features. He, of course, didn't get a response from the bird, but it seemed to peer up at him with its beady black eyes for a second, as if seeing if he was dangerous. After a moment, it seemed to deem him as safe, as it began to peck at the seeds, croaks vibrating in its throat as the feathers around its neck fluffed up, its tail flicking momentarily. Cecil thought it was adorable - he loved birds, always had. As a few more pure black crows fluttered down, likely to join their leader, Cecil sat back, simply watching them intently, appearing rather peaceful. "I'm not dangerous... Don't worry."
[div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 300px; font-size: 7pt; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: black"] "I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT EVERY TIME I TELL YOU TO GET HOME SAFE, STAY WARM, HAVE A GOOD DAY, OR SLEEP WELL WHAT I'M REALLY SAYING IS "I LOVE YOU." I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT IT'S STARTING TO STEAL OTHER WORDS' MEANINGS. I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT. I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE VALID." CECIL WINTERS / NORTHSTAR / ½ WOLFBUCK â€â€Â