I DON'T BITE ;; open, visiting Rafe
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]Well, her dirty little secret was out.
She'd been trying to keep a low profile in the Badlands since her encounter with the hitman. Thankfully, the group was able to drive him off, but not before he gave away a crucial piece of information. Her real name. Truthfully, she'd come up with the name Salem right before she joined the Badlands. She needed an alias that wasn't at all connected to her birth name, Elisa, which everyone she left behind knew her by. However, now that the secret was out, she figured it was time to stop hiding in her little Badlands bubble and make a visit that was long overdue.

"Do I have a daddy?" She remembered sitting in her childhood living room, perched on her mother's lap as the question sprung from her mouth.

"Oh, honey. Everybody does. Yours just happened to love his other family more than us." Her mom had smiled and run a finger through her Salem's hair when she said this. Salem remembered the sinking feeling in her stomach, the tears brimming behind her eyes, and the need to ask more questions. However, her mom had sat up before she could ask anything more.

In the years following, Salem had managed to extract little bits of information from about her father out of her mother; his name was Lionel King, he was apparently famous, and he'd had a whole separate family in Los Santos.

Sal couldn't believe she was actually doing this, walking up to through Los Santos territory while bile rose in her throat. She knew she'd have to use her real name to introduce herself; it was the only chance anyone would recognize her.

"My name is E-Elisa. I'm from the Badlands, but I'm here to visit a...uh, Lionel King? Or any of his family members..." Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to see him or his family, granted he abandoned her before she was even born. Even still, she couldn't turn back now.
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> N/A | "Salem"
> Female
> 23
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> medium physically | easy mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Unnamed Father x Unnamed Mother | no siblings
>Lesbian | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]As far as Rafe was aware, he was the sole child of Lionel King. No siblings to compete with and certainly no illegitimate children to turn into the next family scandal for the tabloids to lap up. As far as he’d been aware, his parents were in a happy marriage, content with their early retirement with their riches. Little did he know, at the age of nine Rafe would have a half-sister who’d metaphorically live half the world away. Rafe had a history in Los Santos, or his family did anyway. The sanctuary of his late father to escape from life as a celebrity when the world suddenly became a much more dangerous place for a man of his prominence.

After he’d passed away, Raphael felt the alluring presence of Los Santos himself. Although he gave himself far more credit as an A-lister’s child than it was really due, he felt that he ought to visit his father’s favorite sanctuary. And, as Rafe stood nearby a dog run, Gigi knelt nearby as she spoke to the dogs, he watched with curiosity as a woman approached. And then, his brows raised with surprise at his father’s name. Lips parted, hesitation across his face, before Rafe took a step closer, leaning on the fence. ❝ He’s not available right now, ❞ No shit, ❝ but I can give you my autograph if that’s what you’re here for. ❞ 

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ONLY A DEVIL LIKE YOU COULD MAKE ME SIN LIKE I DO.
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]She was suprised to see a man approach, accompanied by a young girl. She wearily eyed the girl, pitying anyone who had to grow up in a world like this, before turning back to Rafe. She'd usually back down in this sort of situation, but she'd been waiting 25 years to learn about her father. She wasn't leaviing without a fight.

"I'm not a fan of his. I don't even know him. I'm his daughter." His daughter he left behind in the Northstar District during one of his little trips; a fling to feed his ego. Her mother's words rang in her head, and Salem had to shake her head to get rid of them. "Where is he? When will he be back?" Salem had to bite back the urge to wince, the urge to take back her words and simply leave. Instead, she simply studied Rafe. He'd asked if I wanted his autograph...is he some local celebrity trying to fill in for my father, or is he related to Lionel too?
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> N/A | "Salem"
> Female
> 23
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> medium physically | easy mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Unnamed Father x Unnamed Mother | no siblings
>Lesbian | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 2.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #000"]His smile faltered at her next words. She was Lionel’s daughter. No, that simply couldn’t be true. Rafe didn’t have a sister; he had a mother and a father, but never a sibling. He said nothing as he allowed the woman to finish what she wanted to say before Rafe turned his head to glance away. ❝ Huh, ❞ He hummed nonchalantly, ❝ tough crowd. ❞ Unable to comprehend what he’d just been informed, next came the denial. This woman was a liar.

A grimace flitted across his features before an aggrieved laugh passed his lips. ❝ I see what you’re doing here. You can joke in poor taste around with me as much as you want for all I care, but don’t you bring my dead father into it as well. You appal me. ❞ His words were as sharp as blades, entirely unable to accept the fact that she may be telling the truth and Rafe had been living a lie all along.

[div style="width: 400px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; font-size: 5pt; line-height: 1; letter-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 5px;"]ONLY A DEVIL LIKE YOU COULD MAKE ME SIN LIKE I DO.
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]"What?" Salem couldn't help her brow from furrowing. Lionel was dead? Moreover, his son, her...brother, wasn't believing her? "Listen here. I dragged my ass from the Badlands just to meet him, or you...or some relative of mine who wasn't a complete jerk. Do you think I'd be poking fun at someone I didn't know?" Salem paused for a moment, exhaling a long sigh. "My mom, before the blackout, was from New Hampshire. She moved to the Northstar District shortly after she had me. Did Lionel-your-our father, ever visit there?" She wanted desperately for Rafe to believe her, to give her a shred of decency, but she didn't know how.
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> N/A | "Salem"
> Female
> 23
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> medium physically | easy mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Unnamed Father x Unnamed Mother | no siblings
>Lesbian | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
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