a crime's been committed — private
[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%; color: #494949; font-family: karla; font-size: 9pt; letter-spacing: 0.2px; word-spacing: 1px; margin-top: 10px;"]i don't, and will never need your protection!

isn't that what they all said? in an effort to deflect in some sorts. if he hadn't been there, and that had been some weirdo hiding out, he'd hate to think of what might happened. would they have killed her on the spot? or see how beautiful she was, how vulnerable, and do worse. maybe she wasn't helpless, she could obviously hold her own, but elijah wasn't fond of taking any chances. maybe she would be upset with him for a day or two, but they could work it out, yeah?

oh, the dramatics, though. elijah could have rolled his eyes at the question. kidnap her? no, that's what the weirdo would have done if he had been. he bit his tongue, withholding that remark. he'd let her have her complaints. maybe if he did so, she'd be more willing to think if over, work with him. the last thing he needed was to make her feel like she was overreacting; she was already barely on his side at the moment. he needed to make sure that could be rearranged.

eddie may have gave him the benefit of the doubt, as far as sparing him his life, but he doubts he'd allow him to stay. their friendship had always been of the such— bumpy,  questionable. they were so much alike, it was sometimes felt easier for them to hate each other. maybe he'd forgive him, but maybe wasn't strong enough for elijah to take any chances. he's relieved when she agrees, but only under the condition of mems. ouch. it seemed as if she wasn't the first woman he'd spoken out that favored mems. eli is almost glad he's gay, or else every woman he was interested in would have undoubtedly been wriggled from his grasp without so much as an acknowledgement from his brother.

"there's some forest not too far from us," he says exasperatedly, with a gesture of his hand. "we get it over there, we'll be hidden just enough to make a shallow grave." he straightens, silent for a moment as he looks at joey. then, he treads back over to the body more quietly than before, looping his arms under hers. he hopes, without any words, joey would do the same.

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 1.4;"]I'M [I]HIGH AS A PRIVATE JET. —
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: .6px; color: #494949;"]his tone makes her face scrunch up, how dare he he speak to her like that when she’s helping him out? joey still won’t look at the body and the idea just seems dumb, she doubts it’ll work and is an unnecessary risk. if it’s up to her, she’d leave the body here, let it be discovered and simply act shocked, mourn with the lodge, then allow it to be blamed on some one off intruder that got caught and panicked. but, she’s somewhat scared to speak up considering he had no problem grabbing her and did just kill someone. joey lets out a huff, rolling her eyes; she won’t be helping him dig the grave. yeah, it would probably go faster and be a better cover if she did, but she’s still refusing to take any more responsibility than she had to; she already had to touch it, that’s it.

when she notices him looking expectantly at her, joey’s face falls even more, her frown deepening. with a little whine and stomp of her foot, almost like a little girl having a tantrum. she finally leans down and grabs both of her ankles, standing with her. she carries her down the stairs, going first and backwards. once at the door, she roughly drops the ankles and glances out the window. “ it’s clear “ she mumbles, opening the door and picking the body back up.

once under the cover of trees, joey immediately lets go of her end, a shutter going through her spine. she lets out a strained groan, trying to remain quiet but also feeling incredibly gross. she startled a few feet away from eli, hands in fists and shoulders pulled up with her arms crossed. “ [color=#990000]i’m not digging shit. “ joey glares, looking at the man she was just willing to fuck in an abandoned building and now are here. “ [color=#990000]hurry up, they’re going to figure something’s up, “ she mutters, turning away to keep watch on if anyone begins coming their way. “ [color=#990000]and i want a fucking shower, it’s cold out here, “ the complaints come out under her breath and clearly distressed and annoyed.

[spoiler=tags, updated 06/15/2020]BASICS[color=#990000]I HAD A DREAM

&. ❝ josephine elena van doren ❞ |  joey, joy, hoey | female [ she/her ] .
&. 21 years old . | november first ; scorpio .
&. forager of flintlock lodge .

&. impulsive . outgoing . femme fatale . flirtatious . seemingly emotionless . guarded . self-destructive . obsessive . hot headed . reckless . kleptomania tendencies . selfish . brat .  assertive . loyal to those close to her . intuitive . stubborn . passionate . self-preserving . quick . nosey . reliable . non-committal . determined . secretive . resentful . resourceful . distrusting .

&.  five foot six & one hundred and seventeen pounds ; reference .
↳ blonde hair just past her collarbone, grows a dirtier blonde, lightening up as soon as any sun touches it .
↳ slim, muscular build. legs on the longer side .
↳ big blue/green doe eyes, light yet well-groomed eyebrows, full lips, dimples .

&.  [ 8/10 ] physically  |  [ 9/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ medium ] | difficulty w/ melees [ hard ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ hard ]
↳ combat information .
&. attack in bold #990000 | [member=570]scully[/member] | PM for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .

&. [ 2 ] weapons | [ 0 ] armor pieces | [ 0 ] consumables | [ 2 ] aid items | [ 1 ] misc .
↳ one combat knife .
↳ a three piece throwing knife set
one german short-haired pointer puppy, demetri
one english setter puppy, robin
↳ a bracelet from her late mother, each one of her sisters has a piece to the same set, their mother having the biggest piece

&. elizabeth van doren (npc) x malcolm van doren (npc) | second youngest of nine children .
↳ cassian van doren, eldest, flintlock .
↳ beau van doren, second eldest, unknown .
↳ range rover van doren, unknown & scarlett van doren, dead .
↳ auden van doren, unknown & tara van doren, dead .
↳ maxine van doren, just older than joey, flintlock .
↳ richard van doren, youngest, flintlock .
&. pansexual, panromantic ; mongamous  . | scared of commitment, however enjoys casual fun .
&. pregnant ; second trimester . [/spoiler]

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