group interest check?
alright, i had an idea for a group, right?? i wanted to know who would be interested! info is in the spoiler! it might not all make since bc its 4AM here but
★ thanks to the ever-constant frozen waters of the tundra hat they live in for some odd reason where ships are stuck in place and the shipyard lives in, well, a shipyard. the shipyard was abandoned when the seas surface froze over nearly ten thousand years ago, as there was simply no use for it. there still sits a massive cargo ship, small military vessels that have long since gone out of commission and have half sunk, and nearly every single shipping container.
★ only the high positions are allowed to live in the cargo ship, as they have better rooms and beds then the regular members. the boss has two rooms to his/her/themselves, open to decorating however they please. these two rooms are connected, one being a bedroom with a king sized bed and the other room being a room more meant for living purposes- a kitchen, dining room, even a den. the other higher ranking officials get single rooms with a single queen sized bed and a small kitchenette.
★ the regular members live in the shipping containers. one person will get a single, small shipping container that they are free to decorate as they please. you get to pick the color of shipping container you want, even if you want a container that is on-top of another. these small containers ofteen come with a small twin-sized mattress and a solar powered/wood space heater. a small couple (2 people) may get a large shipping container if they have been together for at least 6 months or since before they arrived at this shipyard. the large shipping container comes with a XL twin mattress with a large space heater that is solar/wood powered. a family or large couple (3+ people) receive four large shipping containers welded together, creating a small two-story home. the lower section often has a wood-burning stove, a large space heater, a small table that can fit 4 people, and an ice box. a ladder leads to the upper portion where there is a XL twin bed, and a bed request form where parents or partners can request a crib, a toddler bed, a twin mattress, or a larger mattress to fit any other partners they have.
★ fights are a big part of the shipyard- official fights, that it. gauntlets, if you will. at the north end of the shipyard, there is a massive cruise liner that sits snuggly in the ice. most rooms and such are securely bolted off except for the inner pool area. the pool has long since been drained and a fence surrounds the pools edge. here, fights are held to settle differences, or just hold fights for fun. at the far end of the pool is an announcer stand where the boss and underboss sit and watch over the fight- if they aren't the ones fighting.
★ attached to the fight pit room is a room that they call the "hospital". this is where the doctor locks up the drugs, treats patients (human and animal alike), and performs surgeries- or experiments if they so please (with permission from the boss). here you can receive drugs of the 'over the counter', prescription.

★ the boss, HP the boss is basically the supreme ruler. their word is law, and if you dont follow what they demand, they can and will punish you. they are in charge of accepting newbies, making rules- basically everything.
★ the underboss, HP the second is basically the next in line to be the boss. their jobs vary depending on the day, but normally they're n charge of checking homes, organizing 'settle' fights, and organizing trades with places other then the white gates.
★ the doctor, this is self explanatory. they handle the drugs, the surgeries, and any medical problems you have. in order to get any form of drug, you must hand in a recommendation from the boss, or you must be given it directly by the doctor. this does not count for drugs of the illegal variety unless they are sedatives.
★ the gladiators and dogs, these are humans or dogs that fight in the pit. they are trained to fight but not to kill. humans will only ever fight humans, and dogs will only fight dogs. they also act as guards.
★ members, regular everyday people. they do random jobs around the shipyard

★ settle fights these are fights that to settle an argument or break a tie vote. two people go into the pit and fight until the opponent is knocked out. whoever remains conscious is the winner. any and all injuries are treated immediately after the fight by the doctor. these fights must be requested.
★ gladiator fights these fights are purely for entertainment. two or four gladitors are put into a pit and fight until one person remains conscious. the winner is rewarded with extra food rations and a drink with the boss and underboss. the doctor treats any injuries once they are able.
★ dog fights these fights involve two dogs, where the objective is to pin the opponent for at least ten seconds. both dogs wear muzzles to avoid as many injuries as possible, and if there is, the injuries are treated as soon as the fight ends or as soon as they're discovered if they're bad enough. both dogs receive a big meal after words and are treated to a bath.
★ holiday feasts these feasts happen on major holidays. if the holiday takes multiple days, the feast is on the last day of the holiday. examples of holidays these feasts are held for are holidays such as thanksgiving, Hanuka, Eid, christmas, etc.

what are yalls thoughts?

are you tired of me yet?
[abbr=gorgon / he him his / married]✦[/abbr]✦[/color] i’m a little sick right now but i swear
Hoot listens to Cavetown with her friend

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