「 RISING, RISING ¦ Plot with Eddie 」
[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-family:nyala;font-size:8pt;letter-spacing:1px; color:#000"]Okie dokie, I decided to make a plotting thread for my edgy boyo, Eddie, because I love to have dem good good relationships rolling in to him ( even if he's...very eh with them ). Also, I made Eddie be around Los Santos since the creation of it, so for those who have a character who's around since that time as well, we can work on them having established connections! Though, I'm not taking private threads for the sake of my comfort. Unless it's important to the plots/developments that other characters can't get involved, I will like to have the interactions take place in open threads ( which I'll be the one to make them )!

To start it off with who Eddie is...hm, I'm not so sure how to exactly describe him, to be honest. What I can say is he's a someone, that's for sure. Someone who rarely expresses emotions and have a mind filled with never-ending chaos, as someone who also seems...gentle and polite in words and gestures. Somehow. He does appear to find life that links up to everything and everyone around him fascinating, but remains so far away from them. Like the stars he admires, but can not reach ( and, perhaps, to him, it's better that way—he shouldn't anyway; the stars are known to constantly burn, and if he comes closer to them, he too will burn with them ).

When it comes to relationships, keep in mind, while Eddie doesn't care what your character views him in their relationship, he doesn't see the concepts of friends, enemies, family, etc, in people. He sees everyone he meet all the same. Different in a way, if we're talking about appearance and personality, yes, but to him, they're just the same nevertheless—they're Humans. Temporary and replaceable. He'll treat them in a polite and calm manner, regardless of how they treat him in return ( unless they take it a bit too far to his liking ), but, usually, at the end of the moment, that does not make him hold a slightest thought of them being a possibility that they are more than just a living Human to him... Does that make sense? Well, nothing ever makes sense with Eddie himself, so, what am I saying, really?

Continuing on, here are some thread ideas we can make it happen and see if we can develop anything with their relationship from there. Any idea used will be strike through, and when I can think of more, this post will be updated with more ideas added into it.
— He's incredibly passionate in writing, so it'll be no surprise to find him writing on his journal book one day at the front of the hotel. Though, he's not willing to share his work with your character, if you urge him longer enough, maybe he'll at least write something for them. A small poem of sort.
— Your character finds him...standing in front of the fence where it holds the Human's skulls, staring at the neon lights, or sitting by the cemetery... Ask him how he's doing?
— Eddie likes to wander across the abandoned buildings, especially, during the night. If your character joins with him, he'll be a bit cautious at first, but eventually, he'll get a bit better with their presence. May they just hope danger doesn't eventually join with them too.
—  Eddie is laying on rooftop of the hotel at night. Stargazing is one of his hobbies. Care for your character to lay with him, and have a deep chat about life, death, the Earth and beyond. You name it.
— Or if you have any of your own thread ideas you'd like to happen between Eddie and your character, please feel free to tell me and we'll discuss! Depending on what it is, however, you may have to be the one to make the thread since Eddie can't do certain things based on his personality and whatnot.

Happy plotting, and I'm looking forward to write with y'all! Ꮚ˃̶͈ ֊̫ ˂̶͈Ꮚ
[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 10pt;"]Okay, Eddie and Hypno definitely need a connection. I feel like they'd only hang (not a casual interaction thread, like friend hang out, in Hypno's terms, at least) when he's full blown awake, or wokeâ„¢ as I like to say, since he'd be doing... Activities that require more attention than usual. Which!! Hypno could do the occasional visit to the rooftop of the hotel to talk about the world, how life is actually meaningless, and the vast cosmos. The rare times where Eddie can tell that he's being acknowledged. Not that he, or anyone else isn't, but it's more in the sense that Eddie's REAL and not the imagination of the mind. Whereas someone who isn't frequent would be labeled a hallucination or figment of the imagination, not real.

( i wanna get better ) —————————––- [abbr=ELY/LYSIA & HE/HIM & SEMI-ACTIVE]INFO[/abbr]
[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-family:nyala;font-size:8pt;letter-spacing:1px; color:#000"]Oh, yes, they most certainly do, friend!

Eddie would be in ease that Hypno chooses to hang out with him when he's fully awake—if they're alone together. While he holds no annoyance in Hypno's condition, rather viewing it more fascinating, the thought of Hypno ending up awake in panic and Eddie have to handle him by himself isn't quite a pleasant one to him. Though, I would love if Hypno gets to be the one giving him the occasional visits at the hotel's rooftop! It's always an excitement to Eddie when people are willing to carry a deep conversation with him about anything; he desires to know their views and opinions—makes them seem real and alive. Speaking of the term, real, Eddie can relate to Hypno on being uncertain about the people he meet being a part of the mind or is actually real. Not that Eddie will ever bring this topic up to him, but overall, I think Eddie will eventually find Hypno's presence...compelling, for a lack of better word, to not mind being accompanied by him, unlike the others at the moment.

A random thought, but, ugh, I just imagined, after Hypno spends a lot of time with Eddie, I thought during one night at the rooftop, they have their usual deep talk until Hypno, who's feeling down for whatever reason, says something that just seems off about him, like asking Eddie what is there after death, something along those lines, and angst ensues. We can definitely do this in a private thread at some point if you want and can see this happening. I sometimes like to come up with hypothetical scenes and share them, so! ^^ But anyway, I'll make the thread whenever I have the motivation!
[align=center][div style="background=transparent; borderwidth=0px; bordercolor=; width: 515px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 125%; text-align:justify;"]This is semi-rushed and I’ll definitely be back to expand on this later, but Aqui and Eddie need to have some sort of connection. Aqui has also been around since the start of Los Santos, so he’ll have known about Eddie for some time. He’s a pretty quiet individual (his tags are below) but I feel like he’d be drawn to Eddie in some way? He likes walking aimlessly about the town too, so they’d definitely have crossed paths a couple of times, I think.

[spoiler=IT’S A PUNCH AND A KISS AND I’M TRYNA REMEMBER | INFO, UPDATED 30TH JUNE 2018]﹠ Aquilino Favreau | Accepts Aqui as a nickname | Cis male | Masculine pronouns
﹠ 28 years old / March 19th (Pisces) | [abbr=Mother: Mariana Favreau | Father: Baptiste Favreau]NPC x NPC[/abbr] | Has [abbr=Santiago Favreau, Salvador Favreau]two brothers[/abbr] and [abbr=Sofía Bachmann]one sister[/abbr]
﹠ Biromantic bisexual | Single, no crushes | Fairly private about his sexuality/love life
﹠ Member of Los Santos | Has lived there since the beginning | Doesn't often wander

﹠ Born and raised mostly in Spain | Spent many of his childhood summers in France
﹠ Speaks French and Spanish fluently | Is okay with English, though he isn't as adept
﹠ A man of few words. Is pretty soft-spoken. | Ref #1 & Ref #2 (longer; purple subs).

﹠ Face claim is Fabrizio Moro. | References here. (More will be added as I find them.)
﹠ ½ Spanish, ½ French. | About 5'7 / 5'8; not as tall as one might expect. Has golden skin, dark eyes, and dark brown/black hair. Has quite a lot of tattoos; got most of them at a fairly young age. | Isn't really heavily scarred at all. There may be a few on the backs of his hands, or in places that aren't exactly noticeable, but they're thin and mostly-faded. Has a smooth complexion. | Has a really relaxed style. His of an outfit is grabbing some jeans / trousers and a t-shirt, and then he's good to go. Flannels are also popular, as well as jackets that are usually tied around his waist. May throw on a coat or a scarf if it's cold, but he's very much a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. | Has imperfect sight; wears contacts and glasses to see properly. If wearing contacts, sunglasses are common; if he's rushing (which is more often than not), he sticks to wearing his regular glasses.

﹠ Is pretty anxious and withdrawn. Reserved and fairly closed-off; prefers to sit back, listen and observe before thinking about jumping into social situations. Doesn't take the initiative when it comes to conversations with people he isn't comfortable with. | Remarkably reckless when it comes to himself. Typically the first of a group to leap from the ledge into water or do something physically dangerous. Self-destructive but learning to control his impulsive tendencies (with varying degrees of success). | A generally laid-back person regardless of his anxiousness and recklessness, preferring to go with the flow rather than meticulously planning everything. Difficult to offend; if upset by something, he prefers to laugh it off rather than causing a scene. | Surprisingly passionate about the things and people he loves; becomes an entirely different, almost energetic person when engaged on that level. Will talk for hours about anything and everything he enjoys, and becomes much easier to draw out of his shell. | Better with children and animals than he is with other adults. Adores dogs (the bigger the better) and has a (not so) secret soft spot for all cats.
﹠ Is absolutely terrified of crickets. Is completely addicted to (and would die for) waffle fries, but despises tomato soup. | Smokes habitually to calm his nerves; has done so since his mid-twenties (approx. 24ish). Meticulous enough with his hygiene for the smell not to cling to him. | Drinks, but not excessively; is more controlled with alcohol than with cigarettes.

﹠ Seldom gets involved in physical fights | Attack / get attention with [member=8908]A. FAVREAU[/member]
﹠ Doesn't carry any weapons | Is fairly decent in close combat, but isn't at all trained
﹠ Is followed around by a 15 m/o Rottweiler male named Mateo | Reference here.[/spoiler]
[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-family:nyala;font-size:8pt;letter-spacing:1px; color:#000"]Considering Aqui came to Los Santos since the beginning and he have the said hobby like Eddie, it makes sense they’d come across each other’s path several times!

While I can't tell how truly willing Aqui would be to join Eddie on the walk, because Eddie wouldn't mind that once he's a bit more calmer towards his presence, so just a back up idea in mind to change the main one a bit: if Aqui have any noticeable tattoos, when Eddie meets him, he'll offer him to accompany him for a casual walk with a light chat across the town, yet solely for his curiosity of his tattoos ( as it would be like an opportunity for Eddie to see his body modifications up closer ), but at least his interest towards his tattoos makes it something more than him being completely apathetic towards Aqui...I suppose?

Otherwise, I'm not too sure how will the wandering idea can work out if either or both of them don't have a genuine reason to have them aimlessly walk together. But we can discuss more ideas and whatnot if that's a case, and you do have more you'll be elaborating on this later, hence, I'll just put an end to this thought. Looking forward to read what else you have in mind for these two!
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