OPEN FOR APPS ?! wolf pack ! [ group rp, limited spots ]
Aaahh looks amazing Brit!!!

added the new due date, that should be plenty of time for everyone! If no one else shows interest / tracks, then I might pick them by July 10th. Just let me know if you need an extension!
Name: my user is kenopsia but feel free to call me keno or any other variation of my user.
Activity: right now my activity is eight out of ten i would say, but i will be a freshman at college this august. i am planning on remaining active while i'm at college, but it could drop down to a five or six during that time.
Why you want to join: i've done a few wolf threads before, but none of them were as detailed or interesting as this one looks. i like the background and description of the territory, as well as how involved the owner is. i don't do wolf threads very often, but this one has me wanting to stick around.
Discord Account: kenopsia #6556

Name: tikaani.
Gender: male.
Position: beta.
Back up position: gamma.
Character Appearance: reference / tikaani has a rather graceful-looking face, one that doesn't boast of muscle nor femininity. he has a long muzzle and relatively small ears. his eyes are the most distinguishing feature, colored a deep yellow. they stand out against his dark brown face, which melts into the lighter brunette that covers the rest of his body.

his points - the ears, joints, paws, along the spine, tip of his tail - are also colored the darker brown of his face. in the summertime, his coat bleaches with the sun and blonde tips lighten his pelt. during the winter, tikaani can get almost to a dark brown that seems black.

tikaani is pretty averagely-built, perhaps more on the small side. he has a decent bit of muscle, as most wolves do, but strength couldn't be considered his strong point. he is an exceptionally fast runner, built with long legs and a frame intent for cutting through air. he's got a lithe, graceful look to him that aids him in moving quickly through undergrowth or slipping between narrow crevices.
Personality: right from the beginning, it is obvious tikaani is dedicated to anything he believes in. he is hardworking, rarely stopping until the goal he is aiming for is achieved. he is ruthlessly loyal to his pack and his comrades, even if he doesn't get along well with them. tikaani's loyalty could almost turn into a negative feature of his personality, as he is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the success of his pack.

tikaani has the ability to pick up on and enjoy a good bit of humor, but he drastically fails at being humorous himself. despite that, he still has a charming streak in him. he has the strong desire to please others, which can be negative if he changes how he acts or what his opinions are in favor pleasing others. however, his goal to help also makes him rather selfless. tikaani would have no problem jumping in front of danger in order to save the life of another.

he is also very ritualistic and follows routine. tikaani has a hard time starting off the day if he does not do the same thing he does every morning. being so ritualistic goes hand in hand with his religion. tikaani has a strong belief in pinga and the deer gods. his parents raised him from a pup to follow their commands and trust in them always. anything major that happens in his life, tikaani always aims to dedicate it to his gods.
History: tikaani grew up in the ikiaq pack. his parents were both solid members of the pack, always making sure to contribute to the daily tasks to ensure survival. tikaani grew up with another littermate, cupun, who was his dark-furred brother. the pair were very close as pups and went through their training together.

when tikaani and cupun were in the midst of their final training stages, cupun was sent out into the wilderness with his mentor. tikaani was to follow once cupun came back. however, during cupun's test, a demon hunted them during the night. cupun and his mentor did their best to survive, but it was in vain. cupun's mentor came back severely injured and on the edge of death, but tikaani's brother never returned. tikaani has always had a passionate anger toward demons since that event and he holds bitterness in his heart that has yet to be fully let go.

tikaani still persevered and completed his own test successfully and became a gamma. he remained a loyal member of the pack. (i would write more about tikaani as a beta if he were to be accepted as such)
If Gamma do you want an apprentice?: tikaani would be open to training an omega.

Role Play Example: click here

[b][i]heaven help a fool who falls in love
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