"speech" 'thought' text

There was hesitation in his mind as he swung the door open to find Salem. She seemed... deflated. He could only suspect, assume that Teddy was somehow responsible for this, and he hated him even more because of this. His dark eyes looked her facial features over and he cocked an eyebrow.

"Hello Salem." His voice was awkward. But he was concerned now that he’d entered. The man closed the door behind him and tilted his head to the side. "Are you okay?" He asked her, knowing the answer would most likely be negative.

His arms crossed over his chest as he stood there awkwardly in front of the closed door. Uncertain if she should go further in, or stay there.

Michael Ford is a 45 year old, man, he's stubbornly loyal to whatever cause he chooses, protective of his family and friends, he's a member of the Badlands. Michael has issues controlling his anger in most situations. He is a difficult opponent and well trained, feel free to power play nonviolent interactions though.
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]Salem nodded and closed her eyes with a sigh. She still was too closed off to admit her feelings outright, her walls hadn't broken down yet.

"I'm fine." She plastered on a fake smile and reached for a cup, trying to stop her hands from shaking with anger, fear and rage. "You can come in. I just...broke a tea bag, is all. What kind of tea would you like?" She still didn't know mike incredibly well; she wasn't about to air her dirty laundry to the one man who wasn't afraid to pick a fight with Teddy.
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> Elisa | "Salem"
> Female
> 23
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time, a small handgun, and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> Easy physically | easy/medium mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Lionel King x Unnamed Mother
> Half brother Rafe
> Half niece Gigi
> Cat Chrisanthymum "Chrissy"
>Lesbian | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
Pastime paradise//p, Mike
[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 333px; min-height: 347px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7pt; color: #000000; line-height: 99%;"]Salem was sure her cheek had a hole in it, given how much she'd been sucking and chewing on it the last few days.

The window for her and Teddy to bond was over and gone. He'd tried to be nice at first, but she soon noticed how quickly he moved on. That is, unless he wanted something from you. Sadly, Salem couldn't have been left alone in peace. Teddy had started to have...ideas, and these ideas prompted him to forcibly take all of the riches she'd taken from her mother.

She clenched her fist at just the thought of what had happened. Her only connection to her old life, her main means of survival, and the only thing she had to signify the revenge she'd taken on her mother...gone like that. Gone due to the will of the administration.

She'd started ripping tea bags more when trying to fill them with the dried up herbs. One day, while trying to scoop up chamomile that had landed on the floor after a bag ripped, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," She called back with a sigh. Not like I've got any privacy now, anyways...
> overall status: 100%

> physical status: stable.
> physical health: 100%
> physical afflictions: none yet.
> minor injuries: none yet.
> major injuries: none yet.

> mental status: stable.
> current status: stable.
> mental health: 100%
> mental illnesses: None
> mental damage: None
> Elisa | "Salem"
> Female
> 23
> Dark brown hair that varies in shade, pale, blue green eyes.
> Carries at least 2 cigars at a time, a small handgun, and a small switchblade.
> tall, lanky and a bit awkward physically.
> N/A
> N/A
> Easy physically | easy/medium mentally
> non-violent power-play allowed
> no kill | request maim/capture
> ask to attack in bolded, underlined and italicized black
> Lionel King x Unnamed Mother
> Half brother Rafe
> Half niece Gigi
> Cat Chrisanthymum "Chrissy"
>Lesbian | no crush
> this text + this color = this meaning
━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ even if my way is wrong
a small everyone. | beware hidden scrolling
trigger warnings alcohol, death, lots of blood, profanity, heavy violence, religion.

tags  45 years old, difficult/hard opponent, nonviolent interactions are open, pm or ask for violent interactions.
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