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it had been a long, exhausting, yet worthwhile day. tired feet had trudged from the district to the modest prairie town called graveyard in order to celebrate roman’s and frank’s wedding. mick went along as green’s plus one, not really knowing the two well enough to say he would’ve been invited on his own. meanwhile, it seemed that vern was basically family to roman. the two talked like best friends and acted like brothers. it was heartwarming to see someone that had been so quick to take green under his wing when they were two teens that simply hadn’t known any better-  much more meaningful to see that time meant nothing to them when it came to rekindling such a strong bond.

the wedding itself has been beautiful in its own way. nothing about it was flashy or begged for attention; it simply was. there was something mick favored about the idea of the intimacy of a rather small, private ceremony with only those close to them there to see just how much the two cared for each other. it felt heartfelt and genuine, apparent to those that attended that these people were truly meant for each other. still, eyes couldn’t help but wander towards vernon throughout the ceremony, a certain glimmer in blue eyes every time eyes met.

no matter the occasion, or whose day it was supposed to be, vernon always stole the show in mick’s eyes. his gaze would linger before eventually looking back to the newly-married couple, lips barely fighting the smile that threatened to come to his lips. there was something special about a man that so frequently crossed mickey’s mind, the older man used to seeking solitude for comfort rather than finding that ease with someone else- wanting it with someone else. he held the man close to his heart, far closer than he allowed anyone else to. though just one glance at his partner - whether it be as they got dressed for the wedding, or as they watched the ceremony itself unfold - and it was easy to see. vernon green was something special. how could he possibly keep his eyes off him?

it felt like time had flown by the rest of the day, wearing into the evening as the two walked out of the saloon. it wouldn’t have been mick’s first choice to pass time in the bar, drinks too quick to be offered and all-too easy to accept. despite it all, he couldn’t say that he didn’t have a good time as he sat and watched the wedding party celebrate, occasionally sipping at his glass of water, unbothered by the copious amounts of alcohol.

taking one of his hands out of his pockets, he pulled green's head closer to his lips with practiced ease, kissing the side of his head fondly. “you’ve had a long day, haven’t you?” maybe he should’ve tried to keep count of how much green had been drinking. he looked towards the other man as they walked down the road, lips twitching briefly at how adorable green looked in that moment. it didn’t take the most observant to have seen the man getting slowly more tipsy throughout the evening - more evident the goofier and playful he became. “alright.” sliding his arm down and around green’s waist, mick held him close as they walked back towards their place for the night. “let’s get you home.”

he opened the door for vernon once they reached the building, letting the man walk in first before closing the door behind them, the hinges squeaking as it shut. he took a deep breath before walking further into the quaint home, floorboards creaking with each step. eyes looked throughout the place with absent eyes. it wasn’t home, but it would have to do for the night. the house was small and modest, worn with time. mick couldn’t say there was much to really complain about, though.

he stepped into the bedroom, beginning to unbutton his vest with deft fingers. “i’ve never been to a wedding like that,” he hummed, rolling the vest off of his shoulders as he undressed. he folded it neatly and placed it next to his overnight bag as he elaborated, “a wedding that small and intimate…” he paused before he admitted, ”i liked it.” he turned his head to the side, gentle eyes looking over towards vernon as he worked on unbuttoning the cuffs of his dress shirt. his gaze lingered only a moment too long before he looked back at his cuffs. something about him seemed softer around the edges, his guard down around the man he loved so dearly as he noted, “seems like my kind of wedding.”

[align=center][div style="width: 430px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 6pt; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 0px; line-height: 12px; color: #474747"]Staggering down the steps of the old saloon, Green peered over his shoulder, pie-eyed and giddy. He lifted his hand, a motionless wave, as he wished his new ❛ friends ❜ - a couple of men from Bluestem Prairie - a goodnight before he was on his way home, shoulder pressed against Mick’s. ❝ You’ve had a long day, haven’t you? ❞ Mick pulled him closer, pressing a long and gentle kiss against the side of his head. Even whilst the gesture had become something of the norm for the couple, the butterflies in his stomach still persisted. ❝ That was the best wedding I’ve ever been to. ❞ He insisted, nose scrunching up as he grinned a lopsided smile up towards Mickey. ❝ I mean… It’s the first wedding I’ve ever been to, but it was lush! ❞

Mickey guided Green home. He guided him home with such care and compassion, Green couldn’t help but feel gratitude as he welcomed himself back into the comfort of their temporary home. Removing his blazer and messily suspending it from a coat hook, Green wordlessly followed his boyfriend into the bedroom. He took the cue from Mickey before he began to undress but, unlike Mick, he wasn’t nearly as dexterous. It didn’t seem to matter in that moment, the two men simply enjoying each other’s company. Mick was talking, reflecting on the day as a whole. Green enjoyed the day, too. It was his best friend’s special day - he deserved a life of happiness.

❝ Yeah? ❞ He urged Mick to continue, gazing at him fondly. And, as he watched the way he recalled the night, Vernon was certain that Mickey was the sweetest soul alive. With his foot, Green nudged his clothes towards his overnight bag. He rolled his shoulders back, and then confirmed, ❝ I really liked it. ❞ It started out as nothing more than complimenting the beautiful day, but it would only snowball into a moment far more sobering to Green.

He could admire marriage from afar, yet it still felt just too far-fetched for a man like him. Commitment was daunting, especially when all memories of forever were still so fleeting. Family was supposed to be forever, and yet Vernon spent most of his years alone. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a forever with somebody; he was simply afraid that their forever would be short-lived.

Upon falling in love for the very first time, Vernon had come to realize that he’d much rather a fleeting forever than an everlasting nothing. If he could have Mick for one year or one hundred, he’d still love him until his heart erupted.

Clad in nothing more than boxers and socks, he wandered over to Mick. Your kind of wedding? ❞ Broad arms clumsily circled around Mick’s frame, hesitating for only a second before using his dead weight to messily tug the both of them onto the mattress. With a frivolous cackle, Vernon rolled onto his back and tipped his head back onto the mattress, blinking up at the darkened ceiling. ❝ Would you ever want to get married? ❞ He questioned, turning his head to look at Mick. ❝ A wedding is… awesome, sure, but do you like the idea of one day being married to someone? Like… forever? ❞ Words were curious, not critical, as he gazed across Mick’s features.

For a man so afraid of lifelong commitment, Vernon entertained the thought of marriage a lot that day. The idea of him getting married someday and, honestly, the thought of a forever with Mickey wasn’t really that terrifying. In fact, it felt more like relief.

After years of desperately trying to create a happy life for others, Green only deserved to create a happy life for himself, too.

❝ You know, ❞ Green looked back up at the ceiling, head spinning delightfully from his joyous evening at the saloon. But despite his intoxication, his words were sober. ❝ I always disliked the idea of marriage. ❞ He was quiet for a moment, deep in his very own contemplation, until he rolled onto his side to hang his arm over Mick’s chest, head resting on his shoulder. ❝ But, then again; I had never fallen in love before. Really fallen in love... ❞ Eyes fluttered shut tiredly, snuggling up against his boyfriend. ❝ Until you. ❞

Green allowed the silence to swallow him whole, his heart pounding against his chest at where he was leading the conversation. Anticipation; would Mick agree with him? ❝ Now it feels less scary and more - what’s the word? - just… something to look forward to. A love that really does get to last forever. I want love forever! I could love you forever. Yeah? When’s the wedding, Mick? ❞ He cackled lightheartedly, finally lifting his head to look over at Mick with a playful smile.

Even whilst words appeared jovial, it made Vernon think: Mick was someone that he'd be happy spending the rest of his life with.

[spoiler=tags ― updated 06/13.][size=6pt]◜BASICSI'LL EAT UP ALL YOUR PAIN
&. ❝ vernon jeremiah green ❞ | green, greenie, vern, v .
&. 25 years old . | twenty first april ; taurus | male [he/him] .
&. currently the guardian of northstar district .

&.  bright . brave . considerate . courageous . dedicated . empowering . expressive . generous . honest . hard-working . kind hearted . loving . loyal . optimist . reliable . self-confident . supportive . trustworthy . vibrant . compulsive . defiant . foolish . gullible . hyperactive . oversensitive . rebellious . stubborn .

&.  five foot ten & one hundred and seventy one pounds ; reference .
↳ dirty blond hair , relatively grown out crew cut .
↳ lean and muscular frame , somewhat bronzed skin from the sun .
↳ soft blue/grey eyes , an often bright and amicable expression .
&.  welsh descent , parents were both from llanfairpwllgwyngyll in wales .

&. david green x cassandra griffiths | both deceased .
↳ david died in an aviation accident two months before green was born .
↳ cassandra died of breast cancer when green was eight .
&. fostered by steve and caroline murray until he was eleven .
↳ carol was the innocent victim of a shootout .
↳ only a month later, steve went into cardiac arrest and died .
&. father to felicity green .
&. owns a chihuahua , midas , and a pug , virginia

&. pansexual, panromantic ; mongamous .
&. currently in a relationship with mickey serge
↳ friendship evolved into romance after he saved green’s life .
&. ex-lover to winifred maddison
↳ nowadays they are best friends .
&. ex-boyfriend to fallon rude
↳ ended their relationship to keep her safe .
&. ex-boyfriend to paige montgomery
↳ is the father to paige's daughter , felicity .

&.  [ 7/10 ] physically  |  [ 8/10 ] psychologically .
↳ difficulty w/ guns [ medium ] | difficulty w/ melees [ difficult ] | difficulty w/ hand-to-hand [ medium ]
&. skilled in archery and parkour .
&. his mentor , gus , taught him self-defence .
&. [member=2919]truce.[/member] | dm for any major plots .
&. friendly or nonviolent actions may be powerplayed .[/size]

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stripped down to just his boxers, he couldn’t help the smile that fought its way to his lips once green’s arms were around him as he said, “your kind of wedding?” he didn’t have the words to respond. he could only hum a few short notes of laughter. happiness. he didn’t have long to react before the other man pulled them both down onto the bed, mick huffing a short breath of laughter as they both rolled onto their backs. as the pair stared up at the ceiling together, mick’s hand found green’s with practiced ease. easy. everything about loving this man felt so easy. how could he ever get used to such a feeling?

”would you ever want to get married?”
he contemplated the question as the other man carried on. as green’s gaze curiously turned towards him, mick’s gaze stayed up at the ceiling. the man didn’t need to think for long before quickly deciding, “well. yes.” he pursed his lips in thought. “at one point that used to be all i thought about. did you know that?” a generally hard-to-read stoicism gave way to a lighter, softer look as he carried on, squeezing his boyfriend’s hand. “get married. have kids…” the thought of green in the picture immediately came to mind; his chest felt so full that it might burst.  he squinted his eyes thoughtfully, nodding his head certainly. “i think a part of me will always want that. what about you?” he turned his head to look towards green.

“i always disliked the idea of marriage.”
the sinking feeling in his chest said it all. “really?” he said in a casual utter, though the question itself left a swirling feeling in his chest that was far from nonchalant. prodding for the other man to speak more on the subject. he dreaded the idea of them not seeing things the same way. however, he barely had long to run with the thought before v carried on. and as he swept away that sinking feeling and dread, he also gave rise to a whole new swirl of emotions inside of mick.

he wanted to spend forever with mick. him, of all people. he brought an arm up to gently hold onto the other man's forearm, speechless from the sweet words. every time he thought he couldn’t possibly fall more in love with the other man, vernon managed to find a way to give him a whole new set of reasons to. he couldn’t help the almost elated breath that passed his lips, looking over towards v as the man carried on about how he could love mick for forever. “you think so?” something mick didn’t think he could ever get used to hearing.

though the talk of a wedding, of getting married - although it was wonderful, and everything mick could've possibly wanted - brought a creeping feeling that clung to mick's heart.

“when’s the wedding, mick?” mick lightheartedly huffed a breath, though something in the action appeared more somber than it should’ve been. lost in thought. “i don’t know,” he said slowly, lightheartedly. his thumb brushed over the top of vernon’s forearm thoughtfully, huffing a short breath through his nose before he uttered, sounding as lighthearted as he could despite the truth in his words, “are you sure you want to marry such a mess?” he turned his head and looked towards his lover, subtly raising a brow.

mick always told himself that it would be impossible to find someone that would love him. on many occasions he told himself that anyone would leave once they began to know him for him. after they managed to climb over the sky-high walls, looking out to the other side only to see that they went all this way to see the walls protected such wreckage, with a damaged and scarred heart among the wreckage inside, mick told himself no one would ever stay for long. cold. cruel. a rat. a murder. an ex-fiance. damaged goods. could he blame them? his heart ached at the thought.

who would stay?

someone who chose to see the good in him, despite the questionable past. despite it all. and as much as he tried to shut people out, he truly met his match once vernon came along. the more he was around the man, the more he came to realize he underestimated just how easy it was to let green become a part of his life. he greatly underestimated how green could come in and love him so endlessly. so effortlessly, it made him wonder why he had been so scared to let him in in the first place.

mick often wondered what vernon could possibly see in him. there were plenty of other people - men and women alike - that would be quick to trade places with mickey in a heartbeat. and out of those people, surely many of them could give green so much more than mickey could. better lovers. better partners in crime, better conversationalists that could match green’s unbeatable energy and passion. though despite it all, vernon proved time and time again that he would always stick by mick’s side. it was such an overwhelming feeling, to be so innocently loved by someone. mick didn’t think the feeling would ever go away, even as time went on.

eyes searched green’s own before he slowly looked back up towards the ceiling. he went quiet for only a moment. “i’ve been engaged before.” a paused. “with ellie. she broke it off a few months before the wedding and-” the vulnerability in that moment was enough for his heart to race in his chest and cause the tips of his fingers to feel numb. he couldn’t remember ever truly talking to anyone about the engagement. he couldn’t remember ever really wanting to tell anyone before, either. clenching his jaw, he exhaled heavily as eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling.

“it hurt,” he admitted, voice low. soft. eyes downcast, he uttered, “to want to spend the rest of your life with someone and-” he shook his head as he searched for words. “mess it all up… disappoint them. and yourself.” he couldn’t expect green to understand what it felt like. he didn’t expect green to understand just how lesser-than he felt because of it. it was yet another skeleton in his closet that he was reluctant to open up about. though, just like all of his other demons that he chose to speak to green about, the man always seemed so quick to listen. allow him to speak about such sensitive topics as much or as little as he wanted to.

the silence engulfed him. the quiet rang uncomfortably in his ears; he was desperate to change it. with a shaky breath, he shifted around to turn to face vernon. lifting a hand, he gently caressed green’s face, thumb gently brushing over his cheek. “i’d marry you. in a heartbeat, vernon.” the light in his gaze, the happiness showed just how truthful his words were. he leaned forwards, enough to rest his forehead against vern’s own. eyes slipped closed. then, in a gentle voice just barely above a whisper, he admitted the words he was scared to admit; “i’m. terrified i’ll mess it up again.”

he never wanted to see the disappointment in ellie’s eyes reflected in vern’s own. the thought of it all was simply too much to bear.

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